Zelia pursed her lips as Trex spoke about liking to sleep in the barn. She could tell that there was something that he wasn't being completely honest about. She knew him well enough to know when he was avoiding things. However, whatever it was that he was avoiding seemed to be harmless enough and she decided to let it be. She turned her attention to Sanders when he assured her that it was a common thing for Trex to do. She laughed a little, "Sleeping in barns, not sleeping in carts," She looked at her partners, "I'm starting to think you just want to be an animal more than a wizard," She teased. She turned her attention to Sanders when he asked what their plans were. As sad as it was she knew that they had to be getting back. Who knew what Flynn and Skye were doing without them or what information they were sitting on. Not to mention, if they had any information the four of them had to act on it fast. It was simple, they couldn't risk Caelum wizards getting any of the keys that Flynn was after. That celestial wizard didn't seem to be the kindest of wizards. Trex seemed to echo her thoughts as he told his family that they would not be able to stay another night and would have to get back. She could hear the twinge of sadness in his voice. She knew that the whole rarely getting to come home had always weighed on him a little. She placed her hand on his shoulder and gave it a small squeeze before she dropped it back into her lap. She smiled at Marcus as he offered for her to return whenever she wished. It was nice to know that her first impression wasn't a lasting one. She nodded her head to him, "Thank you... I'll be sure to drag your son along when I do. Goodness knows he doesn't come here often enough." When she finished eating, she stood and looked over all those at the table, "I should probably go pack up my things if Trex and I are going to leave." She looked at Trex and smiled softly, "I'll be out in a few," Then she turned and headed into his old room and gathered her things which were more or less already cleaned up and put away.