Hopefully y'all are still looking for new players. [b][u]Name:[/b][/u] Sven Hagebak [b][u]Class type:[/b][/u] The Operator [b][u]Race:[/b][/u] [hider=Synthetically Augmented Terran - Caucasian Male] Synthetics are a dying breed. Something neither human nor alien, only a select few in the know universe having been made, with fewer having survived to this day. Synthetics are beings, humans in the case of Sven, who are born to an artificial womb and while in the embryonic stage are injected with a cocktail of chemicals to drastically alter their genetic makeup. Sven was a member of batch eight, number 32. Prior to his fourth birthday he was simply known as 832, as his serial number had read. By Sven's batch biological immortality and the stopping of entropy in the subjects cells over time had been solved. Hyper intelligence, inhuman agility, radar like perception, and a plethora of other targets were on the list for Sven's batch. Shortly before Sven's trial period hyper intelligence in the form of savants was discovered and applied to him, as was heavily increased cellular reproduction which led to rapid bodily healing. Cellular reproduction had ceased producing numerous tumors per hour in subjects by subject 25. Sven was also specifically breed to be of Nordic descent, which produced an unconscious infatuation with all that is Nordic. Psychologists suggested that this was merely a coincidence, though there had been other cases with subjects being culturally bred. That portion of the program was gouged shortly after Sven reached maturity. A large drawback that went largely unknown until Sven's brain was monitored near puberty was his capacity for addiction and self destruction. Most of patch eight's savants had killed themselves or died of suspicious circumstance well before puberty. The two batches follow Sven's were seen as catastrophic failures, producing abominations incapable of human interaction, most fortunately dying before reaching more than a few years of age. The Synthetics program's funding dried up shortly after that, all subjects being abandoned as the funding to keep them housed was no longer there, their hired caretakers leaving alongside the money. Currently, forty Synthetics remain, sixteen of them belonging to batch nine and ten. [/hider] [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] 26 [b][u]Appearance:[/b][/u] [i]Outside of his mech[/i] [img=http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb21/Stratusfied619/Private/Renzo.jpg] [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] Sven doesn't like to play games. He'll throw himself into any fight without hesitation if it's a fight he believes in and once his mind is set, there's no going back. If Sven's buddies back home were asked, they'd describe him as the most stubborn and crazy sonuvabitch they've ever known. Due to Sven's inherent weakness to any addictive substances, he's got a bit of a drinking and smoking problem and will often be found at bars or outside of them if he had gotten into yet another brawl. [b][u]Powers:[/b][/u] [i]Modified Organic Function[/i]: Sven's capacity to heal is greatly improved, as are his mental capabilities, reflexes, vision, taste, touch, smell, you get it by now. This also leaves Sven incredibly vulnerable to substance abuse and quick dependency on medication. [i]Neural Link[/i]: Sven, while in one of his devices, be it mech, ship, or spider-tank, will share his innate regenerative factor with it, the devices capable of repairing themselves as if they were organic machines at the expense of power. [i]Ragnarok[/i]: Should death seem inevitable, Sven is capable of detonation of his augmentations as well as the machines he is neurally linked with. This is meant to destroy anything of value with his device or with himself as well as his attacker. One time use. [b][u]History:[/b][/u] "[i]Neural link established[/i]," a cool mechanical voice echoed in his mind, the warm tight cockpit of Mjolnir hugging him as a mother would a newborn. The young man, 19 years of age thumbed a panel to his left, a switch dropping down and the cockpit being filled with silence. A faint blue light blanketed him as the monitor whined to life, Gymnopedie No.1 pouring from the speakers like warm honey, drowning him in a sense of ease. The monitor displayed a near endless field of land, red like clay, mostly lifeless. Mostly. Gunmetal gray shapes were beginning to form on the horizon, a wall of shaky mirages across the endless desert of Mars. Parts of Mars were colonised, sure, but Zanu, the home of his workshop and private residence inherited by his late father; it was a wasteland. Two short chirps echoed through the cockpit, cutting his music short, "Answer," the boy sighed, a face appearing in the corner of his monitor. It was a long face, nearly as red as the desert between the two of them, his gray mustache a harsh contrast to the vibrantly coloured face from years of sunburns. "Dunham," the boy said flatly, almost bored. "Sven, boy. We're here to take you in. We need you, we need that mind of yours," Dunham said, his eyes as predatory as always, the vein in his neck bulging as he spoke. Sven sighed and cut the signal. A king and his castle were rarely separated. An array of mechanised soldiers, mechs, and a few Spirals (low altitude ships whose anti-grav generators resembled spirals), encroached quickly on what Sven considered very much his land and proceeded to continue into his land after Sven ordered them to stop. The fight between himself and the invaders lasted no more than ten minutes; Mjolnir with minor structural damage, seven of the eight men Dunham sent dead. Sven would spend the next few days questioning number eight until he gave away to his wounds. Over the next six years Sven found himself atop a mountain of scrap metal, Dunham's personal mech at the very top of that mountain, it's pilot most assuredly indisposed. A request for his place among the Tesera mercenaries reached him shortly after, and being fresh out of play things, he wholeheartedly accepted. [b][u]How long have you been with Tesera:[/b][/u] Eight months. [b][u]Weapons:[/b][/u] [hider=Sven's equipment] [i]Gungnir[/i] [img=http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/26/640x702_6136_H_ARM_Suit_MK_3_2d_sci_fi_mech_weapon_soldier_exoskeleton_picture_image_digital_art.jpg] [i]Mjolnir[/i] [img=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/251/5/9/mech_by_nemanja_s-d6li1nr.jpg] [i]Járngreipr[/i] [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/264/a/9/walker_spider_tank_concept_by_dstolpmann-d2z767h.jpg] [i]Ichaival[/i] [img=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/231/6/9/sipss_concept_by_paooo.jpg] [/hider]