[Dalton Attwater, Foyer, Tohsaka Mansion] After a slow march across the city, Dalton finally came across his prize: the Tohsaka Mansion. One of the families to create this...ritual...had vanished along with the others, after the last War resulted in a major catastrophe. Perhaps their consciences had gotten to them. Perhaps the Association had hunted them down, or the Church. It didn't matter now. Slowly approaching the door, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his trusty lockpicks. The door had been locked magically, but he nullified that quickly enough, which just left the physical mechanism. After a minute or two of testing the mechanism, he went to work. The lock was actually rather simple, but it was to be expected of such an old lock. Of course, he made sure to re-lock the door both physically and magically, in case anybody else felt like coming here. They'd at least have to take a little time, and hopefully that would alert him to their presence. Looking around, Dalton smiled at how decrepit the place looked after nearly ten years of abandonment. Well, it could have been worse, he supposed. The place was fine for summoning his servant, anyway.