I decided that I wanted to make another character to play as. Because why not. [HIDER=Victoria Winchester][CENTER][B][U]Victoria Winchester[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img8.mmo.mmo4arab.com/news/2012/10/26/aion640.jpg[/IMG] [I]"Rest good sir, and let me ease your pain..."[/I] [B][I]Character Theme[/I][/B] [URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHI_yxFLw8w]Aurora's Theme[/URL][/CENTER] [B]Name :[/B] Victoria Winchester [B]Nickname/Alias :[/B] The Voice of Heaven [B]Age :[/B] 23 [B]DOB :[/B] 4th of May [B]Gender :[/B] Female [B]Sexuality :[/B] Heterosexual [B]Personality :[/B] Victoria is considered by most to be a perfect embodiement of what it means to be apart of Fairy Tail. She is friendly and loving, always putting her friends needs before her own. Some would say that her self sacrificing nature is her greatest flaw, as she often has trouble saying no to others and can sometimes be walked on unintentionally by others. Despite her sweet nature, Victoria is far from naive and has quite a bit of experience with the cruelty of the world, that she has experienced first hand. She channels her emotions through her music, the greatest gift she has, and has learnt to look past her pain and confide in others. She is strong willed and courageous, even though she may not look it, and her love Fairy Tail is only surpassed by her love of music. She enjoys playing for others, knowing that her songs can calm their hearts. She is very defensive of her guild, like most, but unlike the other inhabitants of Fairy Tail she much prefers to fight with words than with her fists. Victoria has an inability to lie or deceive others, and she struggles with keeping secrets more than anyone else. She's a very honest person, but not the best person to gossip to as she's gained somewhat of a reputation for tattling on others accidently. She has been accused of being a blind follower of Fairy Tail, as her complete and utter trust in the guild and its members can confuse outsiders who might think its strange to be faithful to so many people. Many believe that she will only hurt herself by concerning herself with the worries of others, yet she remains resolute as she tries to help all those in need. She's rather awkward around men and finds it quite a struggle to talk with them. Her efforts to help others can be seen as her prying into business that isn't hers, although this is not her intention. [B]Arsenal :[/B] Her violin, her most prized possession, never leaves her side. She usually carries it around in an elegant, white case laced with pink ribbons and diamonds. [B]Magic Type :[/B] Holder [B]Mage Rank :[/B] B Rank [B]Magic :[/B] [U][I]Songweaver Magic:[/I][/U] Recognised by most as yet another variation of Sound Magic, Songweaver Magic is classified as a holder type sound-based magic with emphasis on support and healing rather than direct offense. In truth, a Songweaver is so much more than just a Sound Mage. Songweavers are capable of pouring their very soul into their music, using a specially crafted musical instrument as a medium. Songweaver's use their magic to touch the hearts of all who hear their melody, enchanting their souls with powerful spells. A Songweaver's power is measured by their talent with their instrument as well as their own magic power. Being a holder based magic, Songweavers are completely reliant on their instrument. There are legends of powerful Songweavers in the past who have channelled their magic through their voice alone, yet this is an ability that has long since been forgotten. [B]Spells :[/B] [U]Calming Melody:[/U] Similar to the Celestial Spirit Lyra, Victoria's music is capable of touching the soul of any who hear it, bringing forth fond memories of happiness and peace to calm the minds of allies. People have often said that hearing Victoria's calming melody pains their hearts, to which she responds that it's because they are the ones most in need of it. Calming Melody can also strengthen ones resolve and grant them courage, even in the most dire of situations. Essentially, Calming Melody allows Songweavers to boost morale and ease an aching heart. [U]Ballad of the Fairies:[/U] Victoria plays a song that creates healing soundwaves that she can spread out over her allies to heal minor injuries. Victoria can choose to focus all of her power onto a single person, allowing her to heal that single person of more serious ailments. Ballad of the Fairies also restores Magic Power and revitalises the body, removing fatigue and increasing stamina. Ballad of the Fairies can also remove poisons from her allies. Victoria can use all of these effects on herself as well, except for restoring Magic Power. [U]Aria of Fortitude:[/U] Victoria's music weaves itself around her allies, granting a significant boost to their defenses. Allies under the Aria of Fortitude move significantly faster, gain resistance to magical ailments such as illusions and poison, and receive a stronger defense to physical attacks. Additionally, the Aria increases healing effects from Ballad of the Fairies. Victoria can only have one Aria playing at a time and none of her Aria's can effect her. All of her Aria's continuously drain Magic Power to be kept active. [U]Aria of Strength:[/U] Victoria's music weaves itself around her allies weapons, creating five enchanted musical notes that circle around her target. Each time an ally attacks or is attacked, one of these notes will release a magical burst that damages and blinds enemies who are too close. The ally who is targeted with this spell is not affected by the damage or the blind. Additionally, while there is at least one note remaining the ally in question will gain a significant boost to their physical strength and stamina. While Aria of Strength is playing, any ally that is affected with Ballad of the Fairies will receive a spell shield that will completely block one hostile enemy spell. [U]Aria of the Arcane:[/U] Victoria's music weaves itself around her allies, increasing their magical abilities. Aria of the Arcane increases the power of all spells cast by its target by a considerable amount, while also unlocking her allies latent potential; giving them expert control over their magic and spells while the Aria is active. The cost of all spells is reduced significantly. Any ally affected with Ballad of the Fairies while the Aria of the Arcane is placed upon them will cause their next spell to not cost magic power. [U]Lullaby:[/U] Victoria plays a soothing melody that increases the drowsiness and fatigue of her foes that hear it. By itself it won't put them to sleep, and strong willed enemies are able to push through the spell. It is especially effective against weakened enemies. Alertness counters this spell, so it isn't very applicable in combat situations where it would be expected to be used. Rather it is a helpful tool to aid in missions that involve sneaking past groups of adversaries. [U]Unstoppable Hymm:[/U] One of Victoria's ultimate pieces, which can only target one ally. Victoria cannot play any of her Aria's while Unstoppable Hymm is active. Victoria wraps her target up in a protective song, pacifying her target so that they cannot be harmed no matter what, while also preventing them from attacking. Additionally, enemies are drawn to the irresistable sound of her Hymm, forcing them to attack her pacified target to no avail. A strong willed person is able to resist the hymm, and her spell can only remain active if Victoria is able to sustain the hefty magic power usage it requires. At best she can keep her target pacified for up to ten seconds. This can be used to save allies, as the only thing that will be able to affect them is Victoria's Ballad of the Fairies. [U]Ballad of the Fireflies:[/U] A powerful healing song that can only be used on any ally who has recently been healed by Ballad of the Fairies. Allies that have already been slightly healed by Ballad of the Fairies will start regenerating their Magic Power and Vitality rapidly; healing major wounds over time and relinquishing fatique whilst restoring stamina. It is indeed a spell that can turn the tide of battle, but comes at a hefty price. It requires essentially all of Victoria's remaining Magic Power to pull off and it will not effect her, even if Ballad of the Fairies will. In most cases it will actually render her unconscious if she is already in a weakened state. [B]Biography :[/B] Born to a poor family in a 3rd world country not far from Fiore, Victoria only knew war as she grew up. The conflict between the surrounding nations in which she called home had gone on for many decades before she was born, with powerful dictators trying to claim everything for themselves with no regard for the citizens who they were once sworn to serve. Victoria watched her older brother be brutally beaten by soldiers for trying to protect her from them, as well as watched her own parents be stoned to death for asking for extra food rations. Her brother, Tristan, blamed himself. He cried himself to sleep every night in their run down little shack in the back alley of a local buthcer. One night, Victoria couldn't bear to hear her older brother; who she had admired for his bravery and strength, cry anymore. She sat by his side as he slept, stroking his hair while singing a beautiful hymn to calm him. It was a song their mother had sung to them when she was only just a baby; back when the sounds of gunshots and bombs made her cry. Upon hearing her voice, Tristan's tears dried up, and she even caught the attention of the butcher who was working late that night. Impressed by her talent, the butcher came and saw the siblings every night; offering delicious meat in exchange for being able to hear Victoria sing. Before she knew it, she had set up her own little business among st the local shopkeepers. She offered private performances for them in exchange for food, clothes and anything else she and Tristan might need. A local seamstress even offered to give the siblings a room to sleep in if she sung for her grandsons birthday. They were a poor family, so they couldn't afford anything extravagant like a cake or a present, so Victoria was glad that she could make the young boys day special. Eventually the soldiers took notice of what Victoria was doing and confronted her, claiming that she was extorting innocent civilians and that she had to pay for their goods with money like everyone else. When Tristan stood up for her he was immediately struck down and beaten by two guards. Victoria pleaded for them to stop, but they insisted on teaching her brother a lesson in respect. The guards took their punishment too far, and by the time they stopped Tristan was long since dead. Weeping for her lost brother, she did the only thing she knew that would ease her pain. Victoria sung a melody more beautiful than any she had ever before, and its power resonated with everyone in earshot. People were brought to tears by her song, including the guards that had murdered her brother. This caused the attention of a rather powerful, influential man to seek Victoria and insist that he claim her as his own personal bard. Taken from a life on the streets to a sudden life of grandeur, Victoria could not help but feel bitter and resent those who could live such lavish lifestyles after she and her brother had suffered for so long. The room she stayed in was large enough to hold an entire family, and yet it was hers and hers alone. It was disgusting, but she knew that she wouldn't be allowed to leave. The man had said so himself. She would be his forever, her only purpose to would be to entertain him and his friends at his numerous social engagements. The man was good friends with one of the ruling dictators who started the war, and he was to host a party in his leaders honor; where Victoria would sing and play the dictators favorite instrument for him. She was given an old violin that the man had found in his home. It was far from perfect, but the idea of learning to play an instrument did excite her; even if it was to entertain someone so despicable. She found herself to be quite a natural with the instrument, and when the guest of honor arrived she made sure to blow him away with a performance that he would not soon forget. In fact, he was so impressed that he even bought her for a rather large sum of money. At the age of 14, Victoria was the personal bard to one of the strongest men in the countries. If she thought her old home was lavish and extravagant, then she would definitely be shocked when she saw where he lived. The man's name was Giovanni, and he lived in an extraordinary palace with an entire auditorium available for not just Victoria, but the entire orchestra, to practice in. Needless to say the conductor was more than impressed by Victoria's talent with music, but she took particular interest in the strange way she felt when Victoria played her Violin. She described it as being able to feel every hardship that Victoria had ever faced within in every note she played. The conductor told Victoria of magic, suggesting that perhaps Victoria possessed the talents of a Songweaver. As a gift to the young girl, she presented Victoria with the most lavishly beautiful violin she had ever seen. Not only did it look beautiful, but it resonated with her. Victoria knew that she had to play this instrument. Her first performance for Giovanni was a marvelous one. Playing this magical violin really let her power flow through her music, and the effects it had on her audience were unbelievable. People from far and wide were coming to see her play at many of Giovanni's social events. Although she enjoyed playing, she hoped that someday she would be free to explore the world. It seems her wish would be granted much sooner than she thought, when she was awoken in the middle of the night by her maid telling her than the estate was under attack. One of the rival dictators had taken the opportunity to lead a surprise assault on Giovanni, and the entire estate was fleeing to the underground escape route. Victoria was rushed out of her room, but not before she could grab her beloved Violin, and met with her conductor and the rest of the orchestra. She was about to head into the tunnels when Giovanni pulled her aside. He told her that the tunnels were just a distraction so that while the rest of the estate was being slaughtered, they could get away safely. Victoria was disgusted, and in a panic tried to run into the tunnel to warn the others of Giovanni's trap. Before she could get anywhere, a large guard grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back. Giovanni needed to flee the country, and he intended to use Victoria's talent to build a new life for himself in Fiore. When she next awoke, she was in the Port town of Hargeon among the rest of the refugee's coming from many different countries; seeking solace in Fiore. She thought she would be stuck with Giovanni forever, when fate intervened and an elderly man happened to take an interest in Victoria's violin. The man introduced himself as Pollux Vermillion, and he was a Guild Master of Fairy Tail. He could see the magical talent that lay dormant in the young 14 year old girl and insisted that she come with him to further her magic at his guild. Victoria was brought to tears. Pollux had saved her from Giovanni and she was finally able to live her own life. She continued to perform while training her magic, and she made many friends with other Wizards at Fairy Tail. Years passed and Victoria grew to be a famous performer all across Fiore. She was well known as a celebrity and was constantly being interviewed by various wizarding magazines. Knowing that so many people shared her love for music brought a smile to her face. However, she is most proud of her magical abilities flourishing. Her supportive powers have made her a desirable addition to any team on Fairy Tail. [B]Other :[/B] Her Guild mark is on her right shoulder, as well as branded into her violin.[/HIDER]