Logan barely moved as the man only a few metres away from him vanished into thin air, almost like magic. In fact, his breath caught in his throat as he stared at the empty space as if expecting a great reveal that it was all a trick. The whole situation seemed too surreal to him; amnesia, authoritarian voiceovers, cryptic gifts... A girl nearly hyperventilating a bit further away. Yeah, he wasn't going anywhere near that. Something about fear and panic spreading like wildfire under the right situations. Mass hysteria. Assuming that the man had died... well, he didn't want to be the next one to be torn away from reality. That would be [i]nasty[/i]. Carefully weaving around the shocked and prone bodies of those around him, he ended up moving to the front quickly enough to hear the PA system stutter on. [b]"Enter."[/b] Once he was entering the empty room, he noticed terrified-girl and another one trying to calm her down. His mouth opened and closed as if trying to think of the right words, but it was better not to risk it.