I'm craving for some action-oriented RP right now, but preferably something I'll be running myself. Although it would be combat-based, there will be great room for "fluff", such as romance (PG-13), friendships, earning income, etc... Technology can vary from paleolithic weapons such as a flint spear, into a motherfucking light-saber with the ability to transform into a transformer robot made of proton energy. There will be an established map, and [b]there will be designated travel times.[/b] Which means that if your character has a car, he'll probably be able to relocate from one city to another much faster than someone who's walking with a donkey. [b]You will be specific with your character's possessions and abilities.[/b] No throwing a thunderous roundhouse kick if your guy's only learned martial art is Judo. And you can't magically wield a claymore with maximum efficiency just because you practiced with a wooden katana. Get the gist? To keep things incredibly flexible for everyone, the setting will be a floating island about 100,000 square miles and is a perfect square in shape. Virtually all terrain, except for established roads, will be grassland and jungle. There will be a combination of earthly, extraterrestrial, and even magical creatures all over the wild, such as centaurs, unicorns, Siberian tigers, and whatever the heck you call that alien from ET. Now I'm not yet sure if I should give you the freedom to come up with a creature of your own liking on the spot, or if I should establish all the unusual creatures on the island so everybody won't get surprised when a Godzilla-like creature starts munching on their pet elephant just because their fellow RPer said so. I'm still thinking on that. There will be buildings, and the cities will have rich lore. Cities vary from technology level and culture, and I entertain the idea of having some of you be the ones to come up with the lore of the city. There will be twelve cities in the island total, seven of them will have a medieval-Europeanesque atmosphere, four of them will be like a Los Angeles, and the remaining one will be like a military base from XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Why the imbalance you ask? Because weaker technology needs more lands and a bigger population in order to make up for their lack of quality military units. So like, if you're gonna fight a guy with a machine gun and all you have is a scimitar, you better have a battalion of 100 scimitar-wielding Mamluke Jihads who are willing to get their non-bullet proof turbans drilled with bullets. As for the tier or tiers of our characters, that right now is open for discussion. I don't think someone as powerful as a Super Saiyan would be a good idea to have in this roleplay... Questions? Comments? Interested? Post here or PM me, preferably both. (If you do decide to PM me, please put "Multiverse" as the title. Thanks.). Thanks for the interest.