When her presence was finally noted, Kurama thankfully excused himself from the bickering classmates and she headed out into the hallway with him. "I told you." She replied gently. "I'm here to help with the infestation around here. I know it's not really your job so I'm not asking you to help in that regard. Yusuke is on the other side of town and Kuwabara's powers are in a questionable state. For now Lord Koenma wishes that I would step in and help out." She explained. "The Dark Tournament took its toll on everyone but most of all, Yusuke, Kuwabara and yourself..." She pointed out. Hiei on the other hand, was a demon and didn't have any connection to a second life as a human. She and Kurama soon reached the end of the hallway and she looked to him, not sure if he'd be able to help since his human responsibilities were getting in the way. It was also hard to keep tabs on him for her report but that was something she would have to work on herself. After all, she couldn't push them together, for now she considered a more gentle approach. "You don't have to help if you're busy. I've taught enough Spirit Detectives to know how to shoot." She said as she flashed Kurama the ring she had put on, one she had once lent to Yusuke. Botan was sure her capabilities would be enough for the time being. If she pushed Kurama too hard, he might get more suspicious of her actions as well as her real intentions. After flashing him a smile, she headed down the stairs and headed out of the large building. Botan then put on her watch which would help pin point the location of the demon lurking around. She could use her own skills to track it but she wanted to save her energy for the fight, as there was sure to be one. Botan headed toward the woods and began to wonder what sort of motives a demon would have for being so close to a high school. She could assume the worst or she could try and do some digging before she jumped in. The blue haired reaper followed the watch as it led her into a deep part of the thick woods. She hid behind a tree and turned off the watch as she heard a deep grumble from someone, likely the demon she was tracking. She listened as it seemed to be feasting...but on what? Peering around the trunk, she saw a large purple colored, hairless demon gnawing on the leg of someone, the rest of the victim's body was torn and spread around the creature. Her worst fears were confirmed and she quickly began to channel her spirit energy into her finger. She wasn't as powerful as Yusuke but she was sure she'd be able to stun the demon and report it to Koenma since she wasn't sure Kurama would catch up with her or not.