Dreet-Na walked in silence at the back of the group, his sour mood had returned and he resisted the urge to grumble about the many aches and pains he had, how his old age was slowly starting to catch up with him – but he knew it was best to keep such things to himself, especially with the group. He had been carefully considering who to elect leader of their little group, though the decision was not an easy one. He wanted someone who would be smart and strong enough, though he also knew it would be important to pick someone with the necessary skills to be a leader. He had considered Valerion, before deciding that the darkness within him would likely make such a choice inappropriate, besides he was certain that none of the others would vote for such a unnatural creature – and knew to waste his vote as well as to risk alienating himself would not be a wise choice. He had considered Haserous, and guessed that with his reputation he may be a favourite with some of the others to be voted in, but again decided against it. The man focused on the martial side of things far too heavily, and such a choice would likely not work out in his own favour in the long run – being a scholar and a mage, something Haserous would underestimate . Many of the others had been too quiet and had not opened up enough for him to make a decision about, and so he immediately discounted those. He considered briefly Rozalia, however with her relative youth and disposition towards taking things that were not hers, though he had no issues with her or that, he decided she would also be unsuitable for this reason. He was considering Nikolaus, after all he had been level headed and his companion had even spoken of his diplomatic nature. Such a trait would be good for a leader, especially with a group as diverse as theirs. He discounted Leonidus after his comment regarding mischief through words – such an individual would be of no use as a leader to them. Finally he considered the Khajiit, Rawlith-Dar. He may be appropriate, but there was no way that he would cast his vote for him. He considered briefly how he would react if the Khajiit was voted leader, and watched the feline as they walked. Before last night he would have rejected the idea outright, but he was slightly more open to it – however old habits die hard, and he decided that he would prefer not to be under him. However [i]if[/i] it did happen, he would keep his objections to himself and see if once more this Khajiit would be able to sway his opinion further. Clearing his throat as he often did before speaking Dreet-Na announced to the group “I have considered the situation, for now I believe that I shall place my vote in Nikolaus.” He let his words sit for a moment to see how they would react, especially Nikolaus himself before he added “Though as I am sure you all would agree, such a decision should not be made permanent until whomever we all choose has either proven, or disproven themselves suitable for the position.” He continued to walk as he wondered who the others would vote for, the thought that some may choose him not even entering his mind as he did.