[quote=AncientCrusader] I say cater to all - some people may not want to play a really powerful character. Maybe set levels? Power Level 1 = Can kill a man in a bar fight.Power Level 2 = Can wrestle with a bear and maybe win.Power Level 3 = Killed the bear, currently hacking a pack of wolves to deathPower level 4 = Wolves are dead. Just broke an elephant's neck. Power Level 5 = Elephants family got angry over it. They're all dead now too. Power Level 6 = Just took down a helicopter with a slingshot. Power Level 7 = Robbed bank. Killed whole police force that pursued. Power Level 8 = It'd take an entire nation to stop me. Power Level 9 = It'd take several nations to stop me. Power Level 10 = I just pressed alt+ctrl+delete two times and now the world has ended. Praise be to me. I dunno, just throwing ideas into the ring. Don't hurt me. [/quote] The problem I have with multiple tiers is that the RP can get "cloudy". If on the other hand we have a single, universal standard tier, it would be very very easy to be fair.