Arianna listened to the conversation as she ate. The rations tasted like heaven after a long day of work. Now that she was thinking of it, she really wanted some freshly made pizza from a restaurant that hadn't been destroyed in an apocalyptic event. She sighed softly and turned her attention back to the conversation. "I think that we shouldn't attempt going near the wall until we know what the situation is there. To be honest, I don't want to go near the wall or that city for a long time. If we're caught, we'll most likely be killed or thrown right back into the city. I don't want any of us to take that risk. Especially since most of us are still healing from the life-risking battle we just fought. I feel that going back would be a complete waste of our efforts to escape that hell-hole." She looked around at the group. "I say that we either try to get more cores from a shuttle stop, or we camp out here until Ishigo awakens and tells us his plan." As she finished, she tossed the empty ration container and trash into the fire before sipping her water. She wasn't going to stand seeing her friends risk their lives for cores. She would walk to the next town if she needed to. The thought brought an idea into her head. "How about some of us trek to the nearest shuttle station, claim that our shuttle broke down, get the cores, and come back?" --- Raeven sighed as she listened to the conversation outside of the shuttle. She looked down at Ishigo, watching the subtle rising and falling of his chest as he breathed. She brushed his hair back from his face and felt his forehead with the back of her palm. "You better wake up soon, Ish. These people are going to drive me crazy," she murmured, laying a blanket over him to keep him from getting cold. She took a deep breath and brushed her hair back from her face, sitting back against the wall of the shuttle. She opened her rations and began to eat, watching the light of the fire flicker on Ishigo's face. Deep down, she was scared. She would never admit it, though. After losing Hector, it would be devastating to lose Ishigo. They were the only ones who had ever accepted her for who she really was. Everyone else in her life had molded and adjusted her to fit their needs. At times she barely remembered what she wanted in life. The past year or so had been so... relieving. She'd felt so free, even though she was the complete opposite. She had found herself again, and it was set in stone now that she found Ishigo and Hector again. This loss was affecting her, now. She wouldn't let it show, though. With a soft sigh she finished her rations and sipped her water, resting her head back against the wall. She closed her eyes, feeling the cool breeze carress her face. [i]Please wake up, Ish... I need you.[/i]