Welcome to the Island of Murder! [i]Welcome to the Island of Murder... is the first thing you will hear once you arrive in the floating Island where wildest dreams come true. And the way it gets said by Angel Viktoricus is like the same way that dude from Futurama says, "Weeeelllcum to the WWWOOOORRRLD of toMORROOOOOWWW!!!" I shit you not, this place is badass. There are unicorns, bipedal mammoths, and gorillas that are far more articulate than William Shakespeare. There are cheap weapons that you can buy, all designed to slash, stab,decapitate, crush, burn, and pulverize. The brothels contain clones of the most beautiful men and women from Planet Earth, like that of Marilyn Monroe, Katy Perry, young Britney Spears, Taylor Lautner, Ryan Reynolds, and young Marlon Brando. For a cheap price, you can fade-to-black with these hotties. And in this island, the laws of biology do not work. Which means you will never get an STD. The food here is great too, and the chefs are really nice. There is no rain, no snow, no simmering heat. It's all a mild, neutral climate. There are jungles rich with Siberian tigers that never go extinct even if you try to scour the place with an armalite. There are plenty of animals to hunt or hold captive as pets. One particular animal worth having is the gnomish blue gorilla, which is rare to find, but is very smart and have the badass ability to tell you the answers to all of life's important questions. However, these tiny apes are very very smart and know where and how to hide. And they are so oratorically persuasive that if you do get them cornered and are about to capture them, they will almost always successfully convince you that you should not capture them. And if you're like me who came from 21st century Earth, you will not get home-sick because there are four cities in the island that looks a lot like modern-day Los Angeles. Everything is taken care of, including the realistic thug actors and homeless-person actors who give the atmosphere a very authentic look. Hell, there are even strip clubs and drug dealers to add to the effect! And if you're into the knight-in-shining-armor kind-of shit, then you're in great luck, as there are 7 cities here that are like Medieval Europe in design. The only problem here is that somehow, the mounted knights ride Final Fantasy chocobos instead of noble steeds. Aside from that, you can find Attila the Hun, Oda Nobunaga, Henry VIII, and Richard the Lionheart in the prisons of their respected cities. They are available to visit and have a lot to say about leadership and military wisdom. Don't worry about them though because just because they live in prisons, they are well taken care of and are allowed to go out for fresh air four days a month. Find Medieval cities weird and Modern cities boring? Then how about... [URL=http://s1119.photobucket.com/user/ViKtoricus/media/scificitieswallpapercollectionseriesone00_zps55603934.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1119.photobucket.com/albums/k639/ViKtoricus/scificitieswallpapercollectionseriesone00_zps55603934.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Hell yeah! Above is the one city on the Island of Murder that uses flying cars as transportation! As the name implies, this place is about fighting. Warriors here got dragged by God for a fun little game called I-kill-you-before-you-kill-me-mkay? Anything goes, and you can wield as many weapons as you can physically carry by yourself. Official sanctioned battles are done in one of these colosseums: [URL=http://s1119.photobucket.com/user/ViKtoricus/media/Arlesarena_zps8bb23742.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1119.photobucket.com/albums/k639/ViKtoricus/Arlesarena_zps8bb23742.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The only rule of the game is... DO NOT GANG UP WITH OTHERS TO DEFEAT YOUR OPPONENT! ALL MATCHES ARE ONE AGAINST ONE! The rule applies even to unofficial fights outside of the arena, even if it's just a bar-brawl. It does not, however, apply to the usage of pets or slaves, as such people are considered "tools" rather than actual people. [b]Failure to abide by the rule is grounds for severe punishment. "Severe punishment" may consist of missing a bodypart for a number of days, monetary penalty, and having one of your precious items temporarily confiscated.[/b] All new recruits are given 100 gold coins the moment they arrive on the Island. This is enough to be able to purchase ANY (NOT ALL) of the following: *10-year nutritional sustenance of ramen noodles, beans+rice, canned-sardines, etc. *1-year nutritional sustenance of sirloin, rotisserie chicken, mashed potatoes, etc. *2-month nutritional sustenance of eating in restaurants. *Purchase one slave with no special abilities such as singing, blacksmithing, fighting, etc. *A wardrobe worth ten fashionable full garments (Kimono, Superman costume, normal 21st-century Earthwear, etc.) *One good armor set, not including a shield. *20 special sessions in a brothel. (Boosts morale, which gives you 20% more energy in combat.) *Either five basic weapons (Roman spatha, English Longbow, Bayonet, etc.), or one high-tier weapon capable of making a regular human being able to kill 20 other human beings before he or she himself/herself gets killed (Submachine gun, Amulet that makes you move four times faster, Magic sword with the ability lengthen without getting heavier, etc.) *Either/or 100 healing potions, 1 invincibility potion (You become virtually indestructible for 24 hours), 20 physicality potions that double your strength and speed for 24 hours, and more. To be continued...[/i]