THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS I still need opinions from Snake YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED [i]Making your way in the world today is awfully hard, isn't it? All of those messy chores, dirty jobs, and piles of tedious paperwork. You stare at the clock every day, watching precious moments of your life tick by while you’re preoccupied with rudimentary tasks. Wouldn't it be nice to make all of that go away? Generico has been the head of the market in animatronic aides for decades now. First we conquered the mail delivery drone; these are still flying around today, delivering online purchases and package mail on a nearly same-day basis all over the world. Then came the surveillance drone, SWAT rovers, processing bots, and countless other innovations that have not only made life easier for everyone, but safer as well. Now, Generico has broken another incredible boundary, but in a realm closer to home. Not only are these new creations entirely functional, but they’re marvels of modern science. Yes, these incredible service providers are made from cloned human DNA and robotic components, and entirely customizable, thanks to modern biological technology. Welcome to the age of entirely obedient, service-with-a-smile personal aides.[/i] [i]Welcome to the age of Yes_Men.[/i] [b]--Generico: A face is worth a thousand words.[/b] ——————————————————————————————— So, this’ll be a roleplay centred around the lives of service clones and their masters. These clones, called Yes_Men, are created from cloned DNA and various robotic components, such as an advanced healing/immune system (after all, no one wants to take their service ‘bot’ to the hospital). They would be extremely expensive, so only the wealthy would be able to afford the luxury models, AKA the ones you’ll be playing. They come in several varieties, mainly as personal aides/servants/secretaries, but one could also order a clone of, say, their child, for medical reasons (organ replacement, blood/marrow donation, testing, etc). They act just like humans, and are almost entirely biologically human, with every organ a human would have. Their exception is their few robotic components, such as their advanced healing system (yes I’m redundant I’M SORRY), serotonin regulators (to prevent anger toward the Yes_Man’s master, and giving them a pleasurable rush with praise) an input at the base of the neck for programming data, and quite a few modifications to the brain in an attempt to stifle free will. To give an example as to how this all would work, say you’re a wealthy person wanting a Yes_Man. You would go online and customize your model to exactly what you wanted, everything from height and hair colour to general disposition and attitude, even vocal pitch and pattern. There will also be other types of NPC Yes_Men introduced throughout the story. No spoilers here, though, sorry. Now for the actual RP mechanics. Myself and my Co-GM Snaketicus will be playing our own characters, as well as implementing plot points through our own characters or a master post (ex: “Suddenly rocks fall, blocking the group’s path.”) There will be 4 slots open, mine and Snake’s characters excluded, and will fit into roles listed below. You do not have to strictly adhere to the guidelines, but try to work with them. Basically, be creative with the role you’re applying for. [hider=CHARACTER SHEET] [b]MASTERS[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Position:[/b ]*Match the role in some way* [b]Appearance:[/b] [/hider] [hider=GM CHARACTERS] [Mitch to be added] [Tally to be added][/hider] [u]The roles:[/u] [b][u]MASTERS[/u][/b] These are the Master characters. They won’t see their Yes_Men as people, as they’re generally seen as robotic servers by everyone other than fringe “Mechanical Freedom” groups. They will have reasons for purchasing a Yes_Man, and reasons for customizing their Yes_Man the way they are, which can be explained IC once all the characters are paired. [b]The Politician[/b] This character will be a very wealthy, powerful person, and can be anything from a political figure to the CEO of a large company. They’ll be generally cold and business-focused, not necessarily the most moral. They will be the master of Mitchell, having purchased him as a personal servant, secretary, anything they needed. They will likely know the Doctor. [b]The Doctor[/b] This character will be a wealthy physician, in any discipline of your choice (plastic surgery, neurosurgery, private therapist, etc.) They will likely be an intellectual, valuing practicality over fancy flaunts of wealth, as many owners of Yes_Men do with theirs (unique features, like eye colour or accent, for example). They will also be very level-headed and logical, not prone to anger or irrationality, and thriving under pressure. They will likely know the Politician. [b][u]YES_MEN[/u][/b] These characters will be obedient to their masters. They will know their place, and know that they are Yes_Men and were purchased by their masters. They will not mind this at all (at first) and be unaware of the finer points of their construction, such as the suppression of their free will and the calming hormones generated by injectors whenever they get annoyed. They will get very happy when they are praised, as incentive for ‘service with a smile’. More development will occur further into the story. ****THEY ARE NOT NECESSARILY MALE, I JUST LIKED YES_MEN AS A NAME**** [b]The Nurse[/b] This will be the Yes_Man owned by the Doctor. They will be a sort of intern/nurse to the Doctor, with most of their work occurring alongside the Doctor while they’re working. This Yes_Man will likely be very calm and logical, but smart. Maybe too smart... [b]The Escapee[/b] This Yes_Man would have been made as a clone of a sick individual, basically for spare parts, such as organ donation and blood transfusions. However, this Yes_Man could also have been created for medical testing. Either way, their mental programming will not have been perfect, resulting in an eventual moment of clarity. They could already have escaped, or will soon escape, from their master. This character will be a bit unstable, and paranoid. If there are ANY questions about anything in this RP, feel free to post them!