Ssarak graciously accepted the mug from Darius, though he was not quite enthused enough about their "success" that day to believe they deserved a celebration. But a drink to numb his worries for the moment? He could accept that. Lyn was still with him, though she and her toy now had their own chair instead of sitting in his lap. He had not yet had an opportunity to get out of his armor, but he supposed it would be safer to remain armored anyway, even in a settlement. After taking a drink of the mead, Ssarak gave a slight chuckle. "I do not think I am quite ready for a celebration yet. I prefer to hold that off until the task is complete. Once we are back at the college, alive and unharmed, then I can be happy. Still, I do not mind a drink, as long as I do not overdo it. Although, as you might imagine, it does take quite a lot for me to become intoxicated, at least with drinks from Human lands." Looking up from his drink to pay closer attention to Darius, some questions formed in his mind, now that he had the opportunity to ask them. He knew a fair amount about Meirin and Alaira, but Darius was still mostly a mystery to him. Honestly, he did not seem like an individual that he [i]wanted[/i] to get to know, but for the sake of their mission, he would rather know the people with which he was stepping into danger. "Anyway, since we finally have a free moment, I have a question for you. A few, actually. I know Meirin and Alaira fairly well, who they are, their capabilities, and so on, but we are still mostly strangers. I know you are a swordsman, and by the way you fight, a trained one, but nothing beyond that. Perhaps we could learn a bit more about one another?" He suggested.