Victoria slept peacefully on the bed on the bed not knowing that Bur'nak came in and placed another blanket on her, let alone kiss her cheek. She curled up under the blankets wishing she could hugg Bur'nak while she slept so she ended up hugging a pillow to help make her more comfortable. Daylight soon arrive and Victoria just slept, glad she made sure to close her curtains before she went to sleep. But unfortunatly one of the staff did not get the memo to not wake her up or open the curtains on her. She unlocked Victoria's room and went to the curtain's and opened them. Once the sun hit Victoria's skin she opened her eyes and let out a loud screech and rushed into the bathroom. "What the heck I have a blasted sun Allergy." Victoria said using that as an excuse. "And my bodyguard had told the owner said we would not be bugged I sleep duing the day because of this allergy." Victoria yelled as she held her burned arm now from the sun staying behind the locked bathroom door. "I am sorry miss I must have not gotten the memo and also even though you have an allergy you should still only sleep at night." The woman said not really understanding the point. "My bodyguard paid extra to have us not disturbed and that was what I wanted for I do things at night not the day because of this allergy my skin gets burned like." Victoia said pissed off and her vampire instincts wanted to take over.