[hider=Pilot]Name: Richard Williams Gender: Male Nationality: England Appearance: [img=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/123873/2914396-Shizuo-durarara-10104029-459-604.jpg] Personality: At first glance, Richard is apathetic, sarcastic, and sometimes manipulative. He has a dry wit that seems present in all British people, and is quite snarky, despite his deadpan face. However, he is actually quite playful with an air of friendliness and amicability that lies beneath his snarky exterior. Able to bond with nearly anyone within a matter of moments, Richard is well known for his dry affability, and ability to remark on even the most dull things. Acting like Jack’s Counsellor, Richard seems to attempt to force the teen into the spotlight for his own good, although sometimes it seems as though he is simply doing it for his own amusement, despite supposedly being his ‘underling’. Usually calm, collected, and with a breezy charm, he does enjoy a good smoke once in a while, but can usually refrain from doing so. Bio: The son of the owner of ‘Ghoul’, Richard was present for all of his father’s worries, especially during the economic downfall during 2590. At the age of 8, he managed to help counsel his father, easing his worries with his words and cheery attitude. That was probably what stopped his father from committing suicide like a large amount of business owners. However, one company was still sitting high on the social ladder during this recession. The American A.W.E company, ‘Spirit’. Seeing the potential in ‘Ghoul’s energy siphon technology, the head of the company offered to drag the smaller English company out of debt, in exchange for becoming a subsidiary of ‘Spirit’. Faced with little other choice, Richard’s father accepted, and they came under the wing of ‘Spirit’. There, Richard was introduced to the chairman of ‘Spirit’s son, Jack Roman. The same age, the two were often stuck together when their fathers were off discussing something, and the young Richard found the boy both interesting, and odd. He was quiet. Too quiet for a boy his age, and shied away from Richard. After many repeated attempts, the young English boy managed to get Jack to sit in the same room as him, starting to build a ‘friendship’ of sorts, like their fathers, although that was mostly just so that their work could continue without and hesitation. After ‘Ghoul’ was purchased by the American ‘Spirit’ company 10 years ago, Richard has been stuck with Jack. So much so that the absence of one or the other is extremely strange, and will often be remarked upon. While ‘friends’ may not be the best word for the two, it nevertheless goes some way to describing the strange relationship they have with each other, like a counselor and his patient. Like Jack, Richard achieved a high compatibility score in his A.W.E examination, and so, being his only ‘friend’ went into the basic training provided by ‘Spirit’ with the introvert. Together, they trained, which was when he started to note down Jack’s rapid change in behavior. Where he had expected he himself to lead, Richard soon found Jack take a change of heart, and become and abusive leader in his own right, he himself demoted to a ‘lackey’ as he called it. Nevertheless, he found joy in competing with this ‘New Jack’ he dubbed ‘Jackarse’, and matches between them often ended with a full out brawl between the two in their training suits. The score remained even at 47-47 in their last brawl. Despite their differences however, the two formed an extremely co-ordinated duo,who almost never needed to communicate to undergo their tactics, so it came as no surprise when they received news that they had been accepted to Lunar Academy, one of the most prestigious of A.W.E academies. Other: Always seems to wear the dress shirt, vest and blue sunglasses. These glasses are actually corrective lenses, and can change colour according to Richard's whims. Has a strong South English accent (The sexy, posh one)[/hider] [Hider=A.W.E.]Designation: EX-7493 Codename “DEMON” Role: Assassination and Fear Frame: Light, designed by Ghoul Manufacturer: The company that produced your A.W.E. List the bonuses that it gives. > Melee Affinity - 1 free point is given towards a melee weapon. > Agile - Subtract 2 points from the maneuverability penalty. > Low Fuel - The A.W.E. will run out of power and shut down if it goes without using its special weapon for more than 4 posts. Armaments: •AR-43662-“RIPPERS” -A pair of elegantly crafted gauntlets, they are nevertheless deadly in their application. Made from iridium, a material on par and even stronger than steelcrete, these claws are designed to rend their way through anything from flesh to bone, to concrete bunkers. Fast and deadly, the Rippers are for the extreme close range of CQ combat, and require the user to be directly in his opponent’s face in order to make the most efficient use of them. These claws are able to be coated with energy from the core, granting them a powerful shield breaking property, but it rapidly drains the energy of an already power hungry Ghoul frame.<1 Point> • AR-554586 “STINGERS” - A pair of small cannons mounted on either side of the HUD, the stingers project an intense, but short ranged burst of laser fire akin to a shotgun blast, and is mainly used as either a distraction, or a finisher, but can be used to cause very heavy damage in a sufficiently short range. These blast are instantaneous, like a rifle, and spread out in a small cone away from the mouth. <1 Point> • NANO-5-Nanobot repair system - Within compartments hidden in his shoulders, wrists and hips, there are thousands of nanobots which are programmed and designed to repair the DEMON to sufficient battle readiness. While it does not replace skilled engineers and technicians, it repairs the primary components in order to keep the DEMON in a fight like natural regeneration, but at a heightened pace. <1 Point> • ”APPARITION” Flash Beacons - Two large, grenade-like items that must be activated before being thrown, these beacons allow for rapid movement between the two through molecular deconstruction, transmission, then reconstruction, the movement being near instantaneous. However, the problem with this is in the fact that If they have a long setup time, before allowing transportation. These can be recollected and then reprimed and used. <1 Point> • ”TOMB” Storage Batteries - Two miniature rechargeable batteries used by the DEMON to store excess charge after leeching energy from other A.W.E.s, the TOMB batteries can store enough charge to add 4 energy to an A.W.E. Using a standard connection, these batteries can interface with nearly any A.W.E in one way or another in order to grant them an extra charge of energy to expend while doing their role. These batteries can be sent back through the APPARITION system in order to quickly get them to where they’re needed most. <1 Point> Shield Strength: Light <1 Point><1 MP> Special ability: EAS-331 ”CANNIBAL” System - A system implemented to counteract the Ghoul frame’s rapid energy consumption, the CANNIBAL system allows the DEMON to sap energy from fallen A.W.Es, essentially sucking the enemy Core dry. After multiple improvements, the CANNIBAL system has been modified to absorb energy from any source with a battery. The CANNIBAL system is implemented by using a pair of thick syringe-like objects on the backs of the RIPPERS, which can be extended and retracted at will. These syringes are used to pierce into any part of an A.W.E and begins to siphon away the remaining energy. <4 Points> HUD Add-Ons Diagnostics: <10 total point slots> Other: Momentum from leaping at someone is a bitch [/hider]