[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/Z8ZrsBv.jpg?1] [b]Name:[/b] Anna Arendelle [b]Nickname(s):[/b] Feisty Pants, Spaz, Nanners (all used affectionately… most of the time) [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Grade:[/b] 10 [b]Personality:[/b] Graceful and elegant, like a beautiful flower… is the total opposite of what Anna is. Clumsy with her words and actions (but enthusiastically so), Anna is a walking, talking hurricane of awkward and exuberance; a trail of laughter—or, y'know, utter confusion at her rambling—is often in her wake. She has absolutely no notion of social etiquette to boot, one of the side effects of having been sheltered as a child. As such, she doesn't quite have personal boundaries figured out yet (fair warning, she's 86% likely to invade yours) and she doesn't always react to situations in a normal way (like cracking jokes when the mood is heavy). Her infectious personality often makes up for her eccentricities, though. After all, Anna is nothing if not genuine and loving, among the rare breed of the eternal optimist. She wears her heart on her sleeves and is full of care—but not like care[i]ful[/i], she's totally not careful; she just cares about people, especially her sister, a lot. Anna acts without thinking things through and is pretty much a slave to her whims. Impulsive doesn't even begin to describe her. After years of overprotectiveness-induced seclusion, she has grown overeager to see the world and experience everything she missed out on—which is a lot, like a whole lot. She never had a sleepover or a birthday party with more than her family in the guest list; she hasn't even had her first kiss (no thanks to that stupid-face who pretended to like her)! If she seems clueless to you, that's because she is times a hundred. She learned her social cues from watching shows and movies, so you can bet she's [i]misinformed[/i] about many things. Basically, Anna is unapologetically and unreservedly herself and 'jaunty, starry-eyed firecracker' is her default state. She is made up of an eclectic mix of extremes (from overly reckless to embarrassingly impressionable) and if there's anything you can expect from her, it's that she's completely spontaneous. [b]Background:[/b] Anna has fragmented memories of her childhood—anything that happened before she was ten come to her in bits that she can't quite piece together. Her mom said she had fallen from a tree then, and the resulting head trauma had affected her memory, but she has the oddest feeling that she was forgetting something very important. She wondered if those memories would explain why Elsa was slowly becoming a recluse, and no matter how much she coaxed her, she refused to leave her room. Or why her parents have become extremely strict and overprotective, to the point that they kept her and Elsa within the confines home, and forbade them to take even a step past their garden. If she were being honest, she had to admit that she had been unfairly jealous of Elsa at one point. It wasn't difficult to realize that her parents gave her special attention, even if it was the overbearing kind. They had even scolded and punished her just for trying to get Elsa to play out in the garden (and at the time, she couldn't help but feel like some virus they didn't want Elsa catching). But as the years passed, and their confinement became more and more suffocating, she had learned to appreciate having less of their attention. At the very least, she was able to escape once every couple of months to explore the city. It was worth it, even it meant severe punishment later on. Still, no matter how unhappy she had been locked up in her own home, Anna had a constant silver lining: Elsa. Her older sister meant the world to her, and in her eyes, she was nothing short of perfect. If her parents did favor her sister over her, she completely understood. In any case, she made the most of their situation and spent most of her time keeping her company. When her parents finally allowed them to go back to a regular school (Elsa had been homeschooled first, then a year later, she was pulled out for no reason), Anna had been beyond excited. She was in middle school then, but she visited Elsa every day in Disney High, to make sure she was doing well. It's been three years since then, and while her sister was slowly adapting, Anna knew she still didn't feel completely comfortable in the school. She has thus taken it upon herself to do whatever it takes to make sure her sister enjoys every bit of her last year in school. [b]Hobbies/Facts/Orientation:[/b] ☀ Anna is a hopeless romantic, and she falls in love very easily. Now, if only she wasn't such a bad judge of character… ☀ She's a daredevil. Sky diving? Tallest roller coaster? Two days in the jungle using only your wits to survive? She's up for it. ☀ Suffice it to say, she hero worships her older sister. [/center] [b]Class Schedule:[/b] [hider=Tentative Schedule] 1st: English 2nd: History 3rd: Geometry 4th: French II 5th: Fine Arts (Sculpture) 6th: Lunch 7th: Physics 8th: Cheerleading 9th: Choir 10th: Yearbook [/hider]