Name: Isabel "Ocelot" Kanimi Age: 24 Appearance: [hider=Normal Appearance][img=][/hider] [hider=Combat Armour][img=][/hider] Race: Human Personality: A pretty friendly woman who just seems like another colonial farmer who wanted to see the world, Isabel "Ocelot" Kanimi - she insists on being called "Ocelot" - is also someone with a determination and stubbornness of steel - once she sets her mind on something, she will refuse to change her mind. She will hang back, joke and laugh, and she will also even make smart remarks during combat in the heat of battle. Despite her laid back behaviour, however, she is still accustomed to the rigours of battle and will not hesitate or pause at the thought of brutally murdering someone who was trying to kill her at the same time. She does justify this coldness as "they would have done the same to me. I'm not losing any sleep.". One thing she cannot stand, however, are slavers - criminal gangs and paramilitary groups who make profits out of abducting people of all races to become slaves or prostitutes in the criminal underworlds of the galaxy. More than likely related to the fact that she herself was nearly a victim of slavers in her past. If she sees a slaver, she will immediately attempt to kill him/her and if she sees a slave she will stick her own neck out in order to rescue them. Outside of combat, she enjoys an ancient human "video game" from over two thousand years ago known as "Metal Gear Solid". It is believed she chose her nickname from that game. Class type: Fire Support, Urban Combat specialist Powers: Counterspelling: Isabel is capable of interrupting a spell in the progress of being cast. If it is a spell that has already been cast, she can weaken the effect of the spell but she cannot mitigate it completely. Enhanced reflexes: Through channelling her inner mana and using it as an energy source inside her body instead of as an output energy, she is able to enhance her own reflexes with magic. Mental Barricade: By forming a disciplined mental awareness in her mind, Isabel protects her mind against suggestive and controlling magics or other techniques, making her immune to hypnotism, mind control, subtle mind control, indoctrination, etc. [hider=History:] Born on a fledging, farming colony of Masara, Isabel spent her days as a young farm girl who would be stuck with the role of hearing tales of passing travellers instead of being able to actually travel on her own. The stories told by the few merchants and authority vessels who would pass by the small colony would give tales of adventure and travel and Isabel desired to leave her small hometown. However, the only reason she did not do so was her obligation to her family and to help out on the farm. Then the slavers attacked. Masara was a small, fleding colony with no supposed strategic value and a minimal population. As such, the colony only had a token force of a dozen soldiers who were easily overrun by the slaver fleet which had come equipped to carry out an entire assault. It was the slaver intention to completely occupy the colony and sort through their new slaves at will. Isabel, who had been fifteen at the time, quickly made their way along with the rest of the able bodied members of the colony and broke into the munitions depot of the colony, grabbing whatever guns, rifles and weapons they could find. Isabel herself would pick up a Kinetic LMG, which she still carries to this day. The Slavers, having already annihilated the meager defence force, expected to simply roll over the town with all of their occupants surrendering in fear. What they found was a fully armed and defiant civilian population who knew the streets better than they did and were ready to teach them why Urban warfare was the grittiest, most equalizing type of fighting possible. Isabel herself stayed on a window overlooking the main gate, laying down suppressive fire with her machine gun. Even as they fired back at her, even as they attempted to get their sniper to "kill the human on the MG" and even as the slavers brought out an entire armoured vehicle to simply blast her out she held the line, trusting her neighbours, her comrades, to be able to fight on their own. Indeed, while the armoured vehicle was aiming its cannon at Isabel, it's crew trying to line up a shot on the small human girl on the LMG, two farmers managed to roll explosives right under the vehicle, destroying it from below. Although the fighting was fierce - and even got up close and personal for Isabel when two slavers flanked her and reduced the fight to a scuffle over a knife - Isabel and her fellow colonists held out long enough for a military response to arrive and relieve the colonists, driving away the slavers and arresting those who couldn't get away. While most of her fellow colonists decided that that battle was more than enough adventure for a lifetime, however, Isabel wanted more. She had her first taste of adrenaline, her first taste of combat. Scavenging armour and equipment from the remains of the slavers, she said goodbye to her family and began to make her way as an independent mercenary, a solider of fortune, who felt right at home in the worst hellholes, in a place where death pounded not two feet away from her and was constantly flying over her head. After earning a name for herself fighting in several conflicts, she was recruited by the Tesera Mercenary Corporation. [/hider] How long have you been with Tesera: New Recruit Weapons: X-90 Kinetic Light Machine Gun [hider= X-90 LMG][img=] Isabel's primary go-to weapon, the X-90 LMG is an automatic weapon designed to support a group of infantry by providing suppressing fire, forcing the enemy to keep their heads down long enough for her teammates to get in position to wipe them out. Of course, if the enemy insists on being stupidly suicidal Isabel is more than capable of just mowing down the enemy herself[/hider] X-A5 Plasma Shotgun [hider= X-A5 Plasma Shotgun][img=] Isabel's other primary weapon, one she will employ when she is engaged in room to room, house to house, street to street urban combat. She got it from the dead hands of a slaver she killed back on Masara, and it had served her reliably since. It's spread makes it ineffective at long ranges but the power and force of the weapon makes it extremely deadly at close range.[/hider] Z-3B Machine Pistol [hider= Z-3B Machine Pistol][img=] A small, handheld machine pistol which Isabel uses as her sidearm. [/hider] Other weapons: Aside from her firearms, Isabel also carries: [list] [*]Flashbang grenades[/*] [*]Smoke Grenades[/*] [*]Fragmentation Grenades[/*] [*]2x combat knives[/*] Given the situation and equipment from various scrap pieces and fuel, Isabel may or may not also carry an improvised flamethrower into battle.