[hider=Wishy-Washy Wife CS] [center]Appearance: [img=http://sierraclub.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83451b96069e2010536efaef7970b-pi][/center] Name: Suzanne “Suzy” Collins Age: 30 Gender: Female Role: Wishy-Washy Wife Likes: Social Gatherings/Parties, Trent, Painting, Drawing, Sculpting, Lying in bed, Indie Music, Flirting, Stating her mind, Playing musical instruments, Children, Travelling Dislikes: Boring plain people, Suck-Ups, Mainstream Culture, Arrogance, Serious Discussions Personality: Suzanne has been described as the polar opposite of her husband, Trent. Bubbly and outgoing, Suzanne is never afraid to state her mind. She can be quite childish at times, preferring to make jokes and play games than talk seriously, and hates prudish people. Furthermore, Suzanne loves to attend parties and is rather charismatic; she makes friends in a wide range of social circles. Suzanne is also quite and spontaneous, and can act rashly at times without thinking about the consequences of her decisions. She can be stubborn at times, and fiercely determined. Although she cares for Trent, ever since the engagement she has wondered what it would be like to be with someone else a bit wilder and less sensible. Trent is a great guy, but she isn't sure if she wants to spend the rest of her life with someone so normal. Relationships: Has a pet lizard called Iggy, and is engaged to Trent Parker. Their relationship is something she would prefer not to talk about. Biography: Suzanne was always considered a “wild child” in her youth. Much like Trent she came from an upper-class background of wealthy parents, who were well respected in the community. From a young age Suzanne was educated privately by tutors, being taught in a traditional manner. She to play a variety of instruments, and over time her appreciation for the arts grew. Her skills as an artist were apparent, and her parents encouraged her talent. Unfortunately, she grew disillusioned with her family and their stuffy mannerisms and began to act out. She started sneaking out at night, and going to clubs. Drinking and drugs became a regular part of her lifestyle, and she began to get into fights more and more with her family. The final straw came when Suzanne was arrested for drink-driving and her picture was printed in the paper; her parents had had enough and shipped Suzanne off to a distant cousin in New Orleans. In New Orleans, Suzanne was enrolled in the Rising Sun Reformatory School, in the hopes that it would help straighten her out a bit. It did the exact opposite. Being in a classroom allowed Suzanne more freedom than she ever had under her old tutors, and she acted out even more. She loved to make fun of the other children, and encouraged them all to join in with her bullying; Jack was a favourite target. The only friends she had were those who sucked up to her for fear of being her next target, but Suzanne honestly didn't care what the other children thought of her. As time progressed and she learned more about her classmates, she became infatuated with a boy called Trent. Although he was the opposite of Suzanne, she empathised with his background, as she also had parents who cared little for her. Eventually she told him of her feelings, and the two became rather close. Their relationship was cut short in the final years of school, when Suzanne was expelled for missing the majority of lessons; she was out partying when she should have been studying. She spent the next few years selling her own original art pieces, and busking, to survive. She made just enough money to survive, and was headed to disaster, when Trent got back in touch. He told her of how he had been accepted to University to study photo-journalism, and Suzanne couldn't help but feel regretful of her decision to abandon education. She decided to make a change and attend community college, to at least get some form of education. Throughout her period of studying for an Art History degree she kept in touch with Trent and encouraged him to pursue his passions. She followed her own dream of becoming an artist, and was lucky enough to have one of her pieces feature in a well-known art gallery. From there, demand shot up for her original pieces, and she found herself able to make a living from her artwork. Suzanne began dating Trent, and after a time they got engaged. Trent had a calming influence on Suzanne, although some remnants of her teenage rebellion still remain; her personality has not changed that much, and she still likes to party, even if those parties are much more formal now. She is only attending the reunion as Trent forced her to go. She would rather not go back to the place at all. Other Notes: A former alcoholic, Suzanne has tattoos on the back of her neck, and her left leg. Suzanne also changes hair colour frequently, dying it at random intervals. [/hider] I hope this is acceptable for everyone, and fits with my MST3Ks story, any issues let me know!