[quote=Turtlicious] (Not everyone I can remember, but people I deal with on a somewhat daily basis and call a friend) Alpha Aragorn Asuras Brand Brovo Card Grif Tripz Elendra Esper Ace Gianine Hellis Herzi Holmes Blue Rose Jorick Nargle Vogel Holmshire Toellner (Get on skype more you dick) hank Smiral Shy Sophi Sora Sukisho Taaj Sole Xiga [/quote] [quote=Beatrix] In all seriousness though, mine are...SkwaaBelaBlueIdleMikeTPGrieverTurtJsterEsperWalkerGoldTripzAnd that's about it. The rest of you can fuck off :) [/quote] I FUCKING KNEW IT!!! ;_;