Other than the somewhat rushed jump, the trip through hyperspace was uneventful. With a more stoic than typical Lucina watching the helm, Kast was comfortable returning to the ship's living area to keep an eye on his unusually large number of Jedi passengers. Nothing particularly noteworthy happened, and Kast was able to get in a bit of work on his armor and weapons before the freighter neared Coruscant. After a fairly extended amount of conflict on Abridon, the parts of Kast's armor and kit that were not made from the tough beskar had to be tuned and patched up. By the time they had reached Coruscant, Kast was confident that his gear was ready for combat- not that he expected that much combat in the Republic Capitol. Other than a few hooligans and ruffians here and there, Coruscant was relatively tame. Kast followed Jedi Master Rorwoorr in relative silence as they approached the Senate building, where he was thoroughly stripped of his weapons- Blaster pistols, rifle, close to half a dozen knives and blades, slugthrower, and his wrist plates- as they were mounted with weapons as well. Feeling several pounds lighter, Kast walked casually alongside Rorwoorr as he spoke to him through the use of one of the many protocol droids in the building. While the droid itself was fairly annoying, its uses were valuable. Maybe Kast would purchase one before he left Coruscant, since he worked under Master Rorwoorr, being able to understand his boss without his Padawan always around would come in handy. Or he could just purchase a Shyrii-wook translator- which would probably be considerably more handy while on the field as he usually was. Rorwoor expressed his distrust towards the liberated female prisoner in the mandalorian armor who was in the other room. Kast shrugged. "I try not to trust anyone." he replied simply, "Its easier that way." "But." Kast added, "She [i]is[/i] a strange one. She wears the armor of my people, but from her actions and mannerisms, I am almost certain that she is no Mandaloran." Rorwoorr pledged to keep an eye on the woman, but Kast had no intention of taking his eyes off of her either. He continued to speak of another Mandalorian who would be joining them on the task force. It was a bit odd, as Kast rarely came across others of his culture while working with the Republic, but it wasn't too uncommon, as the Republic was admittedly a good source of credits. Rorwoorr described the Mandalorian as one that had been working extensively with the other Clans. A few names came to Kast's mind, though Kast couldn't put his finger on it. He merely nodded as they continued walking. As they entered the receiving hall, Kast spotted the Mandalorian that Rorwoorr had likely been speaking of. While most had difficulty telling Mandalorian's apart, especially when they wore their helmets, Kast easily noticed the finer details of the man's armor. Cross checking his memories with the details of the Mandalorian's armor, the few names in Kast's head immediately narrowed to one. Kast leaned towards Rorwoorr, a bit more difficult due to the Wookie's large size. "I recognize the man." Kast said in a low voice, "Choruk Reem, I believe. Leader of the Reem Clan, worked extensively on Mandalore for a while. I don't know much about him, only the things my family has told me. He's a bit wild, but his heart's in the right place. For whatever that's worth."