Zachary was still eating his share of the rations when Ishigo got up out of the shuttle. He turned in surprise, seeing the faltering form of Ishigo walking sooner than he had expected. Quickly, he rose and strode over to him before he reached the campfire. "Ishigo, you're up!" Zachary greeted gleefully, "Now hold still a moment." Zachary laid a hand on Ishigo's shoulder, and a few seconds later he said more seriously, "You're still slightly hypothermic. When you went into stasis your body entered a state of hibernation, and it's yet to warm up completely. You feel numb all over, yes? Here..." Zachary removed his jacket and draped it over his shoulders. "Don't sit near the fire, or you'll go into shock. I'll get you some warm water." He turned and returned to the campfire and began warming a cup of water by the fire. Having grown up in Wintra, hypothermia was a serious issue, and Zachary was well aware of its treatment as well as its dangers. A short while later, once it was ready and probably after a short bit of conversation from the others, Zachary stood again and took the cup to Ishigo. "Here, drink slowly."