[center] [img=http://www.hairstyleday.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/picture-1197.jpg] Name: Rapunzel Corona Nickname(s): “My little flower” is the only nickname she’s ever been called by. She doesn’t quite understand other nicknames. Age: 16 Grade: 9/10 (Tested into some 10th grade classes, but not enough credits to be a 10th grader) Personality: Rapunzel is about the bubbliest person you could ever meet. She has a lot of trouble holding in her excitement when she sees someone who she loves. She has even more trouble holding in her wonder when she sees something that she’s never been exposed to before… or in other words, anything and everything. Due to her sheltered life, you could show her a rose and she might just explode from excitement. After all, she never knew that such beautiful things existed outside of books. She walks everywhere with a certain pep in her step and a smile on her face. Little does everyone know, she’s actually terrified. Despite her exterior, Rapunzel is afraid of nearly everything. Ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, quicksand, cannibals, snakes, the plague, large bugs, frightening men; all of these things are very real and very understandable fears in her world. Afraid doesn’t necessarily mean cowardly though. Fierce and brave despite her many fears, Rapunzel isn’t afraid to attack anyone or anything that might hurt her. Perhaps her biggest fear though is something that she can’t fight. She doesn’t understand people. She’s completely oblivious to sarcasm and any sort of humor. She gets frustrated very easily, and has a lot of trouble hiding how upset she gets when she doesn’t understand something. If you were to ask her about nature, or math, or classic literature, she would be able to answer immediately. She’s read so many books in her life that she’s practically a walking encyclopedia when it comes to matters that her mother allowed her to read about. But people, she knows that she’ll mess up no matter how hard she tries to do the right thing. Her mother was right about one thing. She’s not fit to be around other people. She’s also extremely easy to manipulate. She’s the dictionary definition of gullible and her emotions are more pliable then play-dough. Maybe it’s because she just wants someone to love her. Her self-esteem is pretty shot to be honest. She doesn’t think she’s smart, or funny, or likeable. She knows she’s pretty, but does that really matter in the end? Background: Kidnapped as a baby and raised as Rapunzel Gothel, she was taught from the beginning that she was beautiful and perfect; too good for the outside world. She was also taught that she was naïve and stupid and too foolish for the outside world. With these two opposing lessons being taught to her for sixteen years, it’s no wonder that she is a walking contradiction. Happy and confident… yet afraid and confused. Her mom really was a wonderful mom. She protected her from the world and tried to keep her from doing anything that could cause harm to herself. She loved her. She was the only one who ever did. Her mom prevented her from ever leaving the house because she might get lost, from reading books that could negatively influence her fragile and pliable mind, from watching television because the horrible sights might upset her. For nearly sixteen years, Rapunzel’s mother was the only person who she ever laid her eyes on. She was the picture of beauty, success, and morality. And Rapunzel was expected to strive to be just like her. Thanks to her loving mom, Rapunzel would never venture outside of her house. She had everything she ever needed right there with her mom. Besides, everything outside would probably kill her and death just did not sound like fun. But then, three days before her 16th birthday, there was a break in. She never saw the man’s face, but she would never forget what he wore. To this day, Rapunzel can’t help but be especially terrified of people wearing all black. He took one look at her and whipped out his cell phone. Though he was a criminal himself, he called the police, and she’d never been so confused. He said something about the Corona’s lost daughter, and how he wasn’t 100% sure, be he thought he’d found her. She tried to protest, to say that her last name was Gothel. She knew no one named Corona, but he left as quick as he’d come, and half an hour later, she heard her mother yelling. Screaming that they were trying to take her beautiful flower away. And less than an hour later, it was all over. Frightening people came into her bedroom, told her to ‘put the frying pan down before someone got hurt,’ and forced her away from the only place she’d ever known. And that’s when her life truly began. Hobbies/Facts/Orientation: Rapunzel is terrified of snakes, but loves lizards and other reptiles. She has a pet chameleon who she fondly named Pasqual Did someone say art? She adores art! She’s amazing at painting and drawing and writing, though she doesn’t see it as anything more than a childish hobby She was held back two years due to the fact that well… she’s never really been to school. Orientation: Unsure… No really. She doesn’t even know that it’s POSSIBLE to be anything but heterosexual. Schedule~ 1st: English II 2nd: Biology 3rd: Algebra 4th: Spanish I 5th: Fine Arts (Painting) 6th: Lunch 7th: World Geography 8th: Study Hall/Counseling Session once a week 9th: Choir 10th: P.E. [/center]