~Hello, Captain Vane.~ "Hello? ... Who are you? WHAT are you?" ~My name is Jocumors. I have escaped the Apocalypse, and I came here. Now I need an Avatar. I need you, Captain.~ The voice seemed to echo from all around me. I had many questions. What was the Apocalypse? What is an Avatar? Why does this Jokemore... thing... need one? I decided to start simple. "Where are you?" ~I have no physical form. That's why I need you. You have no regard for the wishes of others, you wish only to further your own goals. I admire that. I need that. I need you.~ "No." The words surprise even me. Who was I to resist this... god? Demigod? Entity of whatever sort? In fact, the more I thought about it, the more I... ~What do you mean, no? Who are you to resist me? I am JOCUMORS.~ Those words sent searing pain through my head. "Make it stop! Fine. I'll be your... Avatar, or whatever." ~Good. I'm glad we could come to an agreement.~ I felt a sharp stab between my shoulderblades, and then... I opened my new eyes, flexed my new fingers. Perhaps this world will be better than the last. Either way, it'll be fun to play with. "Thank you, Captain," I whisper. Now to find out what the crew expects from their new captain. I stand up, quelling the nausea that comes with the new body. I test the capabilities of the captain, firing a round into the wood of the cabin and spinning the revolver before replacing it in its holster. Then... That's interesting. This body... I gesture, spitting a few words from before the end of the world. A bright burst of colour springs from my fingertips. Magic. This body will serve me well. "Thank you, Captain." I step onto the deck, looking out at my new ship, a Schooner. I cast my newfound magic around, looking for... anything. The range of my abilities here is limited, but I gain a few important bits of knowledge. The ship's name, [i]Ilmyr[/i], the names of the 18 crew members. They will do well to build my Heart. "Thank you, Captain." ... "Thank you, me." A twisted smile spreads across my new face.