Airus dragged the now finally awake Sith out to a group of waiting Jedi Knights and Masters who would take him for interrogation. He then looked at the temple quietly silently wondering how his sister was doing and if he could see her, it had been years since he last set foot here. It was a homing coming of sorts, a sad one but none the less a home he was glad to see. He decided to take the lead waving to the other two Jedi "Come on you two, we have a lot of work ahead of us." With that he started up towards the temple, many Jedi look at him and begin to whisper, after all it's not everyday a exile returns to the temple with Sith in hand. As he made his way up the steps his mind drifted back to the day he left the order, it was shortly after he had petitioned the council to let him train his sister as a padawan. It was obvious that his parents had taught her the basics of force use and lightsaber combat she able to pass the tests with ease and even hold her own against a padawan learner in combat. He knew that the council would have keep her as a learn until about 14 or 15 then she would be given a Master to train her. He had argued with the council and even angered one of the Masters. They had told him that he could not handle a padawan and that someone of his skill and background was lucky to have not exiled for this behavior. So angry at the Master he punched him, now that, that had earned him exile yet now the Council wanted him for this Task Force because he had been out in the rim battling corruption aka the Hutts and had some combat experience compared to most other Knights.