[quote=KatherinWinter] Rosy nodded. She didn't understand what he was trying to do. Why did he want batons? Was he trying to show them something? Was he trying to tell them something? Or was he just bored and wanting to do something familiar? She supposed it didn't matter. She quickly made the requested amount of batons and handed them out. [/quote] "Grazie." Felice took a moment to weigh the shadow copies in his hands, even comparing it to his own batons. Placing his batons down for a moment, he tossed the shadow copies in the air a couple of times before starting to juggle them. Finally used to the feeling, he caught the batons and picked up his own before juggling them all together. With the different weights, it took some extra concentration to keep track of when to change the force he used to throw them, but he eventually figured it out. When he was satisfied, he caught them all again and turned to the rest. "Mi aiutate? Tira..." He tossed one baton in the air and caught it in one hand. "...e afferra." Starting to juggle them again, he waited for the rest to get ready. ("Can you help me? Throw...and catch.")