Yugeto looked to Ishigo with amazement, relief, and excitement. "You're alive...you're conscious. I knew it." He smiled, relieved that the man who gave Yugeto purpose was still around. "I think we're heading out to retrieve kinetic cores for the ship. We were just waiting to see what would happen to you. Thank goodness you're still alive, or I wouldn't get to beat your ass again." Yugeto chuckled softly, joking to help Ishigo out of his melancholy mood. He looked to Kisheto after speaking. "Check it out, Kish. You still got a teacher, he'll teach you how to get your ass kicked by me!" He joked again. Blake was impressed with Ishigo's significant recovery from his grievous injuries and wounds. "Yes, Yugeto is right. We've decided to leave to retrieve kinetic cores, but we were awaiting your rise to consciousness, fortunately much less than expected, before we set out. I assume you've already gotten a destination for refuge in mind?" He asked.