[i]Althalus[/i] There's a reason Althalus doesn't like killing mages. The fact that they were being attacked by an undead horde was a very good example of this reason. Mages [i]never[/i] go down clean. They always do something to cause a bloody mess that takes hours to get out of. But it was too late to change anything now. Thanks primarily to Grey, Althalus helping out when wasn't dealing with those undead that attacked the guard, the door was busted open. That was one problem solved, the guide already dragging poor Coco into the house as fast as possible. Mar was in trouble. Well, not in trouble right now, but anyone with half a brain could see that eventually the undead would get past her and surround her. And that wasn't even considering the fact that she might freeze up again. "I hate working in groups." Althalus muttered, glancing between the open door and Mar. He knew the smart thing to do would be to run up the stairs and shoot the little bastard. That would kill all the undead and just generally solve their problem. But by then Mar could be overwhelmed and killed while everyone was retreating and he wasn't about to fail her like that again. Not for a third time. Grey solved the problem for him, by running in and shouting about how he was going to kill the kid. So what if he was glowing the same purple as the guy trying to kill them and his brother all those years ago? Right now, Althalus was just thankful for the help. "Fine by me." Althalus said, drawing two daggers. A few short steps took him to where Mar and Leith were. "Leith, make a run for it. Mar and I will hold them off as long as we can." The only thing he had going for him over Leith was that he knew Mar's body language like the back of his hand. But when fighting with a Naga, that was the single most important thing you could have. [i]Inside the House[/i] The area you first walk into was relatively okay. It had once been a family sitting room, as evidenced by the remains of a dining table and a fireplace. A few bloodstains on the floor and walls, leading to the stairs. There was plenty of large chunks of more broken furniture and who knew what else that someone could use to at least slow the undead down long enough for Grey to kill the Necromancer. There was just a trace of the smell of cooked and rotting meat in the air. Not that anyone fighting for their lives against the undead horde would notice. When Grey reached the top of the stairs, things went from okay to hellish. The stairway opened up into a hall, and the reek of rotting meat almost overpowered the smell of cooked flesh. There was the remains of three bodies, all severed and mutilated and burned,in varying stages of decay. Gore was scattered up and down the hallway, like a madman had played in it and used it to create simple pictures. Of the three rooms in the hall, only one door was closed. A purple light could be seen streaming from under the crack and unintelligible screaming could be heard from behind it. Obviously, that's where the kid was hiding.