Bur'nak awoke to screaming from the other room, before he could realize what his body was doing he was out of bed only wearing pants. He was at the door when he kicked the door down. It broke off it's hinges and it went spiraling across the floor. Bur'nak looked around the room only to see the curtain open and the maid at the bathroom door. Bur'nak growled "out" the maid looked at him "what?" "Get out of the room!" He sneered she yelped and was on the brink of tears as she ran out the door. He closed the curtains and closed the door. He gently turned the door knob and noticed it wasn't locked "i'm coming in ". He gently opened the door and saw that she was naked. He closed his eyes he picked her up feeling her soft cool skin against his chest and arms. He smelled his way to his room. He found his bed he gently laid her down and covered her in the sheets. He walked back to her room and grabbed a blanket and went back and covered her with it. He stood the door up that separated their room's and put it back in the frame. He grabbed his mask put it on " I'll be back ". He stormed out of the room and went down stairs just as the inn keeper was on his way up. "You I told you not to disturb her but one of your maids came in and disturbed her I want my money back by tonight, this time make sure no one disturbs us." With that he turned around and walked back to his room. He opened the door walked in shutting the door and locking it behind him. He grabbed a chair and sat down and leand back against the door. So no one could come in except through the broken door that is haphazardly standing in the door way. " this time I will make sure no one enters" with that he said "good night Victoria" he smiled as he closed his eyes. Creed was on the battle front taking note of the casualties his troops sustained. He was no closer to Bur'nak that wolf bastard. He howled as the sun started to fully come up and the vampires retreated back to their catacombs or where ever they slept.