1st Wave of Accepted Applications: Spider-Man: Dedonus X-23: Schradinger Ares: MysT3CH Schradinger and MysT3CH, you may post your character sheets in the Character Sheet Thread that is hyperlinked in the OOC. Notes: [b]Spider-Man[/b]: Since Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) and Venom are not vital to my interpretation of Spider-Man's origin, they are open for other players, if they so wish. [b]X-23[/b]: While X-23 probably falls under as a Legacy Character for Wolverine, I felt that your application kept the information about Weapon X and Wolverine pretty vague enough to not encroach on anyone trying to make a Wolverine application. In the interest check, MysT3CH had Wolverine on his list of characters, so if he still intends to apply for Wolverine as his second character, you might want to discuss things with MysT3CH. [b]Ares[/b]: While technically the 24-hour timer has not yet expired since you last edited your application (I think you added your sample post 15 hours ago), I'll accept it anyway, since I don't think anyone else is going to put a competing application for that character.