"Pleasure," Antoine reached out to shake Dr. Brock's hand... then found himself watching the back of the man's head as he hastily excused himself. His arm remained partially outstretched, hand open, grasping only empty air. Okay... then...? The First Sergeant -Abby- took over quickly enough, Antoine's gaze snapping back to her as she spoke. His hand still wanted to reach out, to hold, to [i]move[/i], but he clenched his fist tight, shoving it behind his back and forcing a smile to his lips as he relaxed. What had that been all about? Greeting and leaving? Emergency? Even so, did that excuse just... well... Muscle tensed all the way up his arm, pleading, [i]demanding[/i] to be moved. His arm shivered behind his back, it was almost painful to hold it back. It needed, no, [i]he[/i] needed to do something, quickly, [i]now[/i]. A sharp shake of Antoine's head helped, some, a chuckle in response to Abby's jest helping just a little bit more. His arm relaxed some, the tension draining, and he could focus on her request. Cryobeds? Right, Dr. Brock had mentioned them before running off to do whatever. Information on them, of course, after the announcement she made earlier, she'd want to know more, wouldn't she? About the system itself, in case anyone asked, and about- countermanding, exactly. "Certainly, Abby." Smiling was easier now, thankfully. He stepped back to pull the door wider, standing aside so she could enter. Well, for all the reasons that he could have been interrupted from his nap, this wasn't so bad an option. Another sharp shake of his head helped him focus, adding a shrug as he waited for her to enter. "I'd offer a chair if I had one, though if Mowzer will share, feel free to sit on the bed?" He leaned up against the counter himself, Mowzer glancing up only briefly from his curled-up spot on the bed, basking in the leftover warmth from where Antoine had been sleeping. He offered the two a biting comment of his own, before tucking his head back between body and tail. Antoine chuckled at the remark, shaking his head a bit more casually as he closed the door behind Abby. "Cryobed mechanisms and countermanding, then..." He tapped his chin with a finger, where best to start? "How much do you know about the system, already? I don't want to take up your time with redundant details. And if your asking how easily someone could repeat what happened last shift... then..." That was a bad place to go. Talking about what might have happened was a quiet test the cryo-techs had been giving each other, but always well away from anyone else. Such a thing was supposed to be impossible -at least on the scale that happened during the second shift. All the techs wanted to know how it might have happened, how they could prevent someone from doing it again... but no one wanted the suspicion that would come along with it. Camaraderie by mutual threat, if he hadn't just finished speaking with Ms. Weber, he'd have been right there with his fellow techs. But after that surprising -and welcome- meeting, it was now just a little bit easier. "I can stick to describing the safeguards, checks, and possible ways they might have been avoided, if that's what you're looking for?"