[img=http://images.cooltext.com/3554312.png] Genre: Supernatural, scientists, escape, romance, reaper's, shapeshifters, vampires, fairies, phoenix, witches, gore, violence Number of Spots: Six | 6 Gamemaster: Kitty --- [img=http://media.tumblr.com/abbd406348d30a65f6782c707f75cf1e/tumblr_inline_mtaewgsDx71s8cg79.gif]In our own silent way we question ourselves this daily. What if the stories we all enjoy reading so much weren't mythical. That glittering fairies with silk butterfly wings that tickle in the light of the moon or song enchanting sirens of the deep blue truly did exist. No one is ever certain of that fact mainly because there has never been proof to prove either theory wrong or right. But what if there was proof? What if it was just hidden way from the human eye, casted away and never to be dug up? This is actually the job of a special group of scientist’s known to the supernatural world as ‘Takers’. Takers are a group of human’s that were assigned the job of studying all the types of supernaturals. To try and find all their weaknesses, their strengths and the length of their abilities. The reason for their name is simple for they take young supernaturals away from their parents, often stealing them. They being the child to a facility up in the mountains of Scotland, far away from any neighboring human area. At this facility the children are experimented on, tested and used like lab rats. Yet as the children grow older they start to for relationships with one another, rather is be friendship, enemies or romance. They know there is more to life then living in a cage and they are starting to get restless. They want out. --- [img=http://images.cooltext.com/3554315.png] Now as young adults the prisoner's of the facility, known by the inmates as the 'Heart House', have grown tired of being treated like lab rats. They have all fully grown into their power's now and have made of plan to escape. The night the plan went into action was a full moon, which heightened all their power's. But the scientist's had been waiting, knowing their plan and had attacked. The scientists hadn't excepted the prisoner's to get past them and flee into the thick forests of Scotland and the supernaturals hadn't planned to be split into groups. Now not only must they reunite with one another but avoid being captured again. --- [img=http://images.cooltext.com/3554317.png] [i]Reaper's[/i] Reaper's are also known as Grimreaper's, Death Angel's or Necromancer's. Reaper's are rare among the supernatural world and are considered dangerous. They are usually isolated and quiet. They have the ability to talk to the dead (ghosts), summon souls back to their bodies, control the dead, take life, resurrection (but they must give up part of their soul to bring someone fully back from the dead), healing, minor time control and teleport. [img=http://img12.dreamies.de/img/300/t/8jkotja5c7k.gif] [i]Shapeshifters[/i] Shapeshifters are powerful being's with the rare ability to shift into any animal, rather it be myth, alive or extinct. They are rare among the supernatural world because a shapeshifter can only breed once every two years and they rarely do. But then there are those who have been bitten by an original or Alpha shapeshifter, making them into a shifter. Bitten shifters are weaker then Alpha's and/or originals, being only to shift into 10 or more animals while a shifter by birth is unlimited. Along with the ability to shift they are granted super strength, speed, agility, communicate with other animals and have enhanced senses. [img=http://img12.dreamies.de/img/300/t/8jkotja5c7k.gif] [i]Vampires [/i] Vampires are creatures of the night. Very similar to legends, Vampires have long fangs to feed, a very pale and have the ability of flight (levitation, they can't change into any sort of creature). They aren't dead. Vampires have super strength and speed. Human blood is healthier for them but they can survive off of animal blood. [img=http://img12.dreamies.de/img/300/t/8jkotja5c7k.gif] [i]Fairies [/i] Fairies are mischievous supernatural creatures that come in a variety of forms, though most are human. They have the power of one element (water, air, earth), Telekinesis, Flight (though they don't need wings), Invisibility and Enhanced strength. They also have a natural ability to change the way they look due to their mischievous ways. Though like vampire's Fairies are common. [img=http://img12.dreamies.de/img/300/t/8jkotja5c7k.gif] [i]Phoenix [/i] In books Phoenix’s are said to be birds made of flame but this isn’t true. In fact a Phoenix is born from the ashes of a dead human, death usually being from fire. A phoenix has no birth parents. A Phoenix has the power over fire, they can create fire and manipulation pre-created fire. They also have the power of flight, heat manipulation, enhanced speed and can talk to any form of bird. [img=http://img12.dreamies.de/img/300/t/8jkotja5c7k.gif] [i]Witches [/i] Witches can humans that are gifted magically, usually by a demon or another witch or wizard. They have the basic magically powers like telekinetic, hexes and potions, spells, illusion and control over a dark element (shadows, electricity, crystals & minerals). ---- [img=http://images.cooltext.com/3554321.png] ---- [b]Group One[/b] These two have known each other since the very beginning. They were two of the first supernaturals to be brought to the 'Heart House' . They took an instant liking to each other, becoming best friends almost immediately and have been inseparable ever since. Best friends for life. They were the master minds behind the plan to escape and are on the top of the governments hit list. #1 | Name: | Age:24 | Gender: Male | Species: Shapeshifter | He is born to two original Alpha shifter's making him of original Alpha blood. He was stolen from his parents at four years old. {Open} #2 | Name: | Age:22 | Gender: Female | Species: Reaper | She is the only daughter of the Grimreaper. She was stolen at the age of two, one night while her father was out on a job.{Open} ----- [b]Group Two[/b] These two are the most unlikeliest of a pair. Their complete opposites. These two have a playful relationship, usually getting into fights at the facility over stupid things like 'you sat in my chair' or 'you smell like a pixie stick'. They don't hate each other but there is something else there that they both are oblivious to. What are the chances that they would end up in the same part of the forest? #3 | Name: | Age: 23 | Gender: Male | Species: Vampire | He's the son of a Vampire Hunter and a Vampire. Don't ask how they got toegther, but lets just say it involved whiskey and alot of shot's. He was sold by his Hunter Mother once she realized he was a vampire. {Open} #4 | Name: | Age: 21 | Gender: Female | Species: Fairy | Daughter of Lady Lilian, duchess and Duke Quin of the fairy region. She was stolen by a traitor and sold to the government. {Reserved} ---- [b]Group 3[/b] These two have never really spoken with each other. They both prefer to be alone. While she has shown some interest in him, he prefer's to mind his own business and stay away from people.Both find it hard to trust people and with their similar attitude's is the reason why they decided to ban together until they find the rest of the groups. #5 | Name: | Age: 24 | Gender: Male | Species: Phoenix | He's the son of the top scientist in the facility. His father was a Phoenix while his mother watches him as the leading mind in the 'Heart House'. {Open} #6 | Name: | Age: 23 | Gender: Female | Species: Witch | Daughter of a dark witch. Her father was human and gave her up to the facility, thinking that her powers were a form of sickness and that they would take care of his baby girl. He doesn't know his run away wife was a witch. {Open} --- [img=http://images.cooltext.com/3554356.png] |Name| |Age| |Nationality| |Nickname/Alias| |Gender| |Birthdate| |Species| |Group| |Interest In| |Eye Color| |Hair Color| |Body Type| |Skin Tone| |Height & Weight| |Birthmarks/scars/tattoo's| |Brief Physical Description| |Personality| |Likes| (at least 10) |Dislikes| (at least 10) |Strengths| (at least 3) |Weaknesses| (at least 3) |Fears| (At least 3) |Equipment| (anything You have on you ex: money, knife, etc) |History| (short and sweet but minimum of 2 paragraphs) |Theme Song| (Optional) |Other| --- [img=http://images.cooltext.com/3554361.png] 1.Swearing is allowed, I really don't give to shits how much just don't let it be every second word. 2. Be literate, no one liner's. I want detail people! 3. This is a romance RP so making out and all that shit is good but if you get to the dirty scene fade to black. 4. Reservation's will only be held for 48 hour's unless you tell me you can't get it in on time. 5. This RP will have violence. 6. Your password for reservation (so I know you read these). Which number did I skip? 8. No killing off any character's unless they are NPC's or I say so. 9. Please try to post everyday at these once. If you can't tell me by PM or OOC. 10. If you are a one post kinda person who gets bored afterwards you aren't the person for this RP because I don't plan on letting this dying, I worked my ass and brain off to create it. 11. If I have any other rules I will be sure to inform you.