Rachel stood silently with her head tilted down as Jacob introduced himself and told his story. She could only listen in slight irritation as he mentioned, and pointed to his earlier triumph. Rachel couldn't help but interrupt him there. "You mean you slew three men without it even occurring to you to try and take one, maybe two alive? Then we could've interrogated them as to where their base was instead of sitting here waiting for an attack. If the fight happens here, or around here there's a much, much greater risk of the village or it's occupants coming to harm." No, fighting here was a tactical mistake. The bandits had no stake in the village's preservation and would use every kind of dirty tactic to get what they want. Her hand drifted to her forehead, maybe she should've waited on Lieutenant Walsh. No, by then this village would be just another razed husk. After her interruption Jacob seemed to take far more interest in her. He made a pretty good guess as to who she was, but unfortunately he was wrong, though she neglected to correct him. Robin's skill was legendary, and any Tactician worth his salt would cherish the opportunity to study under him. Rachel herself had only met the men a handful of times, and each one was seared into her memory. Jacob continued talking and Rachel couldn't help but question him. "You mean to tell me you came all the way from Regna Ferox, from the service of the Khan himself, only to deal with a small horde of bandits in another country? You must either have entirely to much free time or the Khan places more concern on bandits in Ylisse then his own country's military matters." Rachel shook her head, pretty well ignoring Leo's introduction to the other tactician. She was thinking about what the next move should be. If the villagers had the fortifications up in time it might be the smarter plan to just hole up here and let the bandits throw themselves at us. While not nearly as heroic it would still prove to be better then the three of them fighting all the bandits at once outside in an open field. Rachel wasn't entirely sure one way or the other, so she merely sighed and followed Jacob to the inn.