[center][img]http://i1141.photobucket.com/albums/n589/roqoodepot/TCW/tipping-points-tcw-1.jpg[/img] [b]Star Wars - The Clone Wars - A Grim Hope[/b] Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith has failed. With his bid to become Supreme Chancellor failing and ties being found between him and the growing Separatist Movement as Palpatine he has left the Republic and become leader of the Confederacy of Independent systems. With the escalation of the Clone Wars things have become grim indeed, while the war was meant to last no more than a couple of years it has drawn on past its intended due date. Now, forces from throughout the worlds of the Republic have been enlisted to Augment Clones such as with the 13th Outer Rim Legion. However while the war has seen many losses, such as the assassin Asaaj Ventress and the Jedi Master Mace Windu it shows no sign of abating as the Republic plans for another push up the Hydian Way, to free the Outer Rim from the grip of the Separatists.[/center] [hider=Stance of the Jedi][center] The Jedi have been split since the death of Mace Windu 5 years ago. With the stance of the military becoming more and more aggressive the council felt that it was in the best interests of the Jedi to give up their positions as generals within the Grand Army of the Republic. This has caused a rift in the ranks of the Jedi and they have split, the masters and the council led by Yoda and Dooku hold a firm stance that they should remain within the Republic, keeping the peace as they have always done. While some of the younger jedi led by Anakin Skywalker and Pong Krell feel that it is their duty to fight alongside Republic Forces against the Separatists. This rift has caused many Jedi to feel that the Jedi Order is not what it once was, a stigma is attached to the title now especially when they are seen operating within Republic space. To this end many Jedi have begun to leave the Order, signing up to the Republic Military in a new “Paladin” movement. The Jedi council however remains helpless to interfere with these new Paladin forces lead by Skywalker and Krell by the protection granted to them by the Republic Military.[/center] [/hider] [hider=13th Outer Rim Legion][center] This legion is made up of men and women who volunteered to fight The Separatists, this legion is has a small group of clones and a single group of ARC troopers, but they mostly recruit non-clones. Aliens, and Humans from across all outer rim worlds are welcome into the 13th legion. But with this said they aren’t very well trained and those who are skilled veterans and warriors normally make up that of the first division, while the other squads are filled with members of outer rim militia groups and resistance fighters. Currently they are based out of Hydian Way, and are launching raids into Separatist controlled worlds of the outer rim attempting to liberate them from The Separatists. Each division has a space and ground counterpart an example being the First division in space would be some of the bests outer rim pilots they can scrape together, while the ground counterpart would be veterans and well trained soldiers. Within the Legion there are 10 divisions with about 2,000 troops to each division. Then there are the usual companies, platoons, and squads within each division. Officers in charge are normally from inner rim worlds and have been trained in the finest military academies that could be offered. Most are born from wealth and this has caused somewhat of a schism with some of the hard headed outer rim folk within the 13th. [/center][/hider] [hider=13th Legion Outfit list] [list] [*] 3 Venator Star Destroyers [/*] [*] 2 Acclamator 1 Assault ships (For Transport) [/*] [*] 2 Victory-II class star destroyers [/*] [*] 54 Arc starfighters split across all 3 Venators[/*] [*] 54 V-wing Bombers once again split across the 3 Venators[/*] [*] 54 X-wing Fighters in each Venator [/*] [*] 24 X-wing fighters in one victory star destroyer [/*] [*] 12 Y-wing starfighters on the other Victory Class [/*] [*] 40 LAAT Gunships [/*] [*] 24 AT-TE Walkers [/*] [*] 30 TX-130 hover-class tanks [/*] [*] 20 A6 Juggernauts aboard Victory Class Star destroyers [/*] [*] 80 speeder bikes [/*] [*] 10 Av-7 Artillery pieces, given to division 3 [/*] [/list] [/hider] [hider=622nd Confederate Fleet][center] The 622nd is one of the newest outfits within the Confederacy of Independent Systems, recently built by the Shipyards on Mon Calamari and droids shipped all the way from Geonosis it boasts the newest in Confederate technologies. Designed purely for breaking through the blockade the Republic has established along the Hydian way and open up a front for Separatist invasion into Republic space. Despite the fact that they boast the newest technologies there are organic forces in the outfit. Most the Organic forces have not seen combat, at least not on a grand scale. While several Jedi have expressed interest in joining the Confederacy these are not trusted for front line duties, instead organics are made up of inhabitants of controlled worlds willing to serve the cause of the Confederacy, such as Mandalorians, Dathomiri, Quaren and an array of other species. Organics are typically reserved for second wave or specialized attacks, allowing the droids to first overpower the enemy positions with numbers. Currently the 622nd is stationed out of Taris.[/center][/hider] [hider=622nd Outfit List] [list] [*] 1x Subjugator-Class Heavy Cruiser (No Ion Cannon)[/*] [*] 2x Recusant-Class Light Destroyer [/*] [*] 144x Vulture Droids +48x Hyena Bombers aboard the Subjugator[/*] [*] 120x Vulture Droids on each Recusant[/*] [*] 30x Droch-class boarding ships(Subjugator)[/*] [*] 15xC-9979 landing craft (Subjugator)[/*] [*] 2x Sheathipede-class transport shuttles(Subjugator)[/*] [*] 2x C-9979 landing craft (One per Recusant[/*] [*] 1,400,000 total battle droids in the fleet[/*] [*] 80x Armoured Assault Tanks[/*] [*] 20x Multi Troop Transports[/*] [/list] [/hider] --- [center] This roleplay takes place in an alternate time line. Ten years after the start of the clone wars, where Palpatine did not manage to take control of the Senate. With his outspoken words he went to join the Separatist movement he had been creating as Darth Sidious. This caused a chain of events to occur, he did not manage to suede Dooku over to the dark side and more importantly, has no control over the clones. His plan failed he can only hope to take over the galaxy the old fashioned way, with all out conflict. Still behind the guise of Palpatine rather than Sidious the Confederacy does actually host everything it boasts in the outer rim, the conflict has went on for 10 years. The roleplay picks up as a Republic and Separatist battle group each prepare to take control of the Hydian Way and open up invasion corridors for their respective forces. We will skip between battles, with some down time for character development as we make our way through, no outcomes have been pre-ordained and whoever is defending will have the advantage. The commanders of both sides having to use tactics to their advantage. Any questions? Queries? Ideas? Feel free to post them here.[/center]