[b]Naraal Vrail[/b] His moment of cleansing or mental rehabilitation had long left him. Now he stood with the others, Vera, Kadan, and The Source. Though he dared not stand directly with them, he could just feel he had not earned the right. So instead he placed himself to the side of Vera, situated behide her, his hands hanging in his earthen sleeves. While they spoke, he forced himself to pay attention. If he was to be strong, if he was to join this empire; then this was a necessity. No longer was he on his own, he couldn't do what he wanted. He needed order and control. But that was easier said than done. When The Source's voice was directed towards him, he found himself lost; had he been thinking while the man was talking? He cursed to himself. With a single, strong nod; Naraal accepted that he'd be remaining with them and his [i]mission[/i]. It was for the greater good, he told himself. The more he was with The Source, the more he could learn. Whether that be through personal education or simple observation. The man did cut him off from The Force; from The Dark Side. And in that little bit of time, he had to battle with all sorts of emotions; he was on the right track to controlling them. He wondered if he was actually ready to receive his powers back. Would it be for the best? Once he had begun to walk away, Naraal reached out to Vera and touch her arm. She was good with espionage, he could tell. He could... feel it, just a little. “Master, I need your help?” He told her quietly, his fingers clasping the edges of his sleeves. He was ashamed to ask but... “I was wondering if you could give me a few pointers?” He asked her. --- [b]Gideon Lilac, Coruscant[/b] “I'll seek advice if something comes up,” He told himself, walking with great strides towards The Senate. It was just a feeling and if nothing else, his time in training had always told him to trust those feelings. Cause feelings were just hints from the Force, warnings and signs. He needed to check on it, if nothing else.