[b] Vera [/b] Vera nodded at Lord Crusade when they said they would proceed without her apprentice into the senate and as they were about to leave the boy asked for her help and she spoke very quickly so she could catch up with Lord Crusade. "Act like you belong, do not use force unless you are sure you won't be noticed, take only what you need and make sure you won't get caught, make up a fake name for your self, and do not kill anyone. If you manage to do that and enter the senate unnoticed, i will teach you everything i know." And with that said she left Naraal standing there alone. Vera and Crusade didn't say a word to one another as they passed security checks with a quick wave of Vera's forged identification. As they entered the hallways a shrill female voice screamed and Vera automatically knew who it was. "Amallia!" The voice shouted and quickly rushed the assassin throwing her arms tight around her, the person in question was a plump lady dressed in bright vibrant reds that hurt the eyes, she was a senator from Dantooine and pretty damn rich. "Who is this man that is with you my dear girl." The lady said, "He is my body guard, I've been receiving threats." "You dear girl getting threatened?" "I know, but it is the way this universe works when you speak your mind." Vera said twirling her hair and acting like a bit of an airhead, the plump senator nodded. "I must go, i have to talk to a few other senators." And with that the plump lady left Vera standing alone, if Vera could she would of made a sprint right for the office but instead she calmly entered and closed it behind Crusade. "I Want to killer her so badly." She muttered quietly as she sat in her chair and looked to Lord Crusade. --------------------------- [b]Lucina[/b] The trip to Coruscant was quite and things were even quieter as Lucina walked through the Jedi temple, this was like a home away from home for her. Younglings went about their studies, padawans and masters walked side by side. This was perhaps one of the safest places in the galaxy, it was a home to many and a safe haven to a few. But she was here on a mission and she would do well to remember that. As she stepped towards the chamber she didn't even get to say anything before one of them spoke. "Enter Lucina..."