Jacob spoke as the neared the inn. "I was not willing to take prisoners in the case that I could not be there to guard them, I would not risk one of them getting loose and harming a villager, I put people before information. Now as to why I am here, I left my post to return home, Khan Basilio understood my desire to return home and aid my people. After all Ylisse was hit the worst by the Risen, also I believe this is not a small horde, the attacks are organized and planned, take the dead scouts over there as a example as well as the fact that all the attacks have cut off escape and ensure the death of all villagers." As he opened the door to inn he froze, his eyes resting on the top of the hill. "I believe dinner will have to wait... Their here, top of the hill, look." Jacob drew his sword and yelled at the top lungs. "Villagers, take positions!" He then raced towards that gates looking back at the other two. "Well come on then, we need to keep them from entering the village!" He stopped outside the gates villagers rushing around taking positions as above on the hill that looked to number near fifty were angry, blood-lusting bandits decorated in scraps of armor. Yet they did say anything nor did they move they looked like they were in three groups two on the flanks and one up the middle. Definitely not your average bandits that simple strategy was to much for them normally.