Alright, decided to start setting up my CS. I will leave it here, even while it is unfinished, since I'm not 100% sure on everything. Also, I will be using my main OC, since it seems like OCs would be allowed, though I don't think it was said. What are you called?: Varionus Yyn [s]How[/s] What do you look like?: I will probably draw something for this (not the best artist, but I feel like it) Race/Species(Isn't this important?): Light Draconian (half human/half dragon with light (Varionus also has fire magic, because long and drawn out birth reasons)) Age in earth years: about 35 Where are you from?: Alderis. A continent on the world. Basically, the world is an alternate earth. Just with a less creative name. After a great war I never really named, Aura Veldii, Varionus Yyn, and Cyrus Mourg took the kingdom of Leiras away from the corrupt king, and actually protected the people. The name later became the Bloodless Republic. And yes, while it seems like it would be some sort of monarchy, the three lords of bloodless only really protected the land and prevented the government from doing corrupt shit. Why are you here?: Needed background information: (I am going by a cool idea that each dimension has it's own creator, but there is probably some massive super-creator) 10 years after the Bloodless Republic was formed, a mysterious tower that ascended beyond all possible vision appeared on the land that Varionus protected. Of course, Varionus decided to try and ascend the tower. When he opened the door he meant a being that called itself The Infinite. The Infinite is 1/4 of the creator of the world. The creator split 2 parts off of itself, originally (The first light and the first darkness). The creator itself was being corrupted by chaotic energy, so the new beings split the infinite away from the chaos. The Infinite is a being of unity, being unbiased and wise, choosing to protect the balance between good and evil, rather than pick one side. What was left of the creator? The Ancient. a being of pure chaos. (I shortened a uselessly long section here) It took Varionus 5 years to earn the right to reach the tower's top. Once in the room, he opened a chest and out came a demon-like creature. This creature was the Ancient. Varionus needed to prevent this thing from escaping. He ended up fighting it for 5 years before it stepped back, and forfeited. Yes, a creature of chaos forfeited to a magic Draconian. After a conversation of sorts, the Infinite sealed some of the Ancient's power into a large stone gauntlet. Well, now Varionus wears the large stone glove gauntlet thing. Well, 50 years after that ( a total of 70 years after the Bloodless Republic was created) Varionus asked the Infinite a question "My brothers are gone now. This world is failing. It needs them. I know there is only one way you will help me. What must I do?" basically, Varionus had to prove his worth with the Ancient gauntlet. He was allowed to take nothing but it and the clothes on his back, and was sent to the island of murder. This is as much as I want to reveal without going too deep into his motivations. What are your abilities?: basic fire and light magic, and demonic soul magic. I will elaborate on this when I get the time. I also need to put Flight and massive patience here. What are your weaknesses?:Will get around to this soon. A quote coming from you: "If you have all the time in the world, let it have a purpose. If you have all the power in the world, let it protect those who don't. If you have all the wisdom in the world, let it show you that you'll never need all the time, power, or wisdom in the world." -Varionus Yyn, March on Elderam (capital of old Leiras), A.C. 2568. Yes, the world is medieval and the year is 2568. Possessions: The Ancient Gauntlet- A weapon granted to him during his journey in the Infinite tower. It is able to absorb the souls of the dead and turn them into soul magic things. Soul magic is essentially what demons in the world use. so, demon magic. Will elaborate later. Alright, here's my unfinished CS. Just felt like if I set up my CS now, I could get some criticism and fix the problems. Oh yea, I know that my character held his own against 1/4 of a god, but lets face it, he had multiple powerful magic charms and weapons. He is only using 1 weapon with no armor and no special enchantments. He is much less powerful than 1/4 of a god. Also, he didn't really hold his own. He barely survived.