[b]Character Theme[/b] - [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-jVU14zwHw]You Can't Take Me, I'm Free[/url] [hider= Picture of Ruin][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/302a29f7b680e2b33dc217ede46d9213/tumblr_mvpugoM16V1t0os51o2_500.jpg[/img][/hider] Ruin's whole build is lean and wirey, short by most standards. Her skin is covered in tiny bronze scales that shimmer a red in light and can cast quite a dazzling display. Her horns are small along with her fangs but they both make her appearance suitably alien and frightening to look upon for most men. Her wings are thin with a parchment-like texture and the bones are brittle and light. Her tail is thin but very long and prehensile with a powerful grip. Her spine has small spikes running from the base of her neck to the small of her back. Her feet are raised somewhat like a dog's but larger, wider and with more strength behind them. Her eyes are an odd shimmering grey colour mostly, but they actually change depending upon the weather and her temperment. [b]Name[/b] - Ruin Grey [b]Age[/b] - 76 [b]Race[/b] - Half Dragon, Half Human [b]Gender[/b] - Female [b]Sexuality[/b] - Pansexual [b]Allegiance[/b] – Technically allegiance to the Queen [b]Personality[/b] - Ruin has an almost legendary temper, unpredictable, violent when it comes and bloodthirsty. On the whole she distrusts all others around her and can casts a cold and steely aura about her wherever she goes. Her good will is hard won and to become her friend is an even greater miracle. However once given, her friendship and loyalty run deep in her heart and her responsibility for them ingrains itself upon her mind. She is not compassionate but she does have good intuition about most things and she can be very understanding when she can be bothered to. She is apathetic to all except those closest to her, she wouldnt abandon an innocent to die if she could help it but she does not trouble herself with the accidental casualties her battles can cause. [b]History[/b] - Ruin's mother was a Ranger from the tribe in the north, named Leeta, a fine hunter and a survivor, niece to the head of the House. Ruin’s father was the vibrant red dragon, Methuzar, who could transform himself into a human for short amounts of time. He possessed an oddly gentle and inquisitive temperament for a dragon and he enjoyed posing as a travelling minstrel in order to study these new humans whom had invaded his lands from across the water. Still he was noble and grand and old by any human standards. The pair met whilst Ruin's mother was on one of her scouting trips, a far more dangerous activity than most would think. He spent some time with her out in the wild and Ruin’s mother swiftly discovered he was a dragon. This caused a temporary lack of trust between them but gradually they worked past it and eventually they fell in love and had two children, Ruin and her elder brother Ruukan. Their relation was not much of a secret, having a dragon as your lover was a fine deterrent to violence. In fact the House Grey seemed bemusedly pleased with the union, especially when it produced children. It was a surprise even for the Leeta and Methuzar, they hadnt even considered children a possibility. But Ruukan arrived and then Ruin followed soon after and they found happiness in parenthood together. They raised the pair as best they could, although Methuzar would often leave them to go about his wanderings, not being a static being and needing change and travel. Leeta didnt seem to mind and neither did their children, finding joy when their father was around and peace when he wasnt. They grew up strong and wild under the protection of their father until first Ruukan and then Ruin found their wanderlust and could no longer remain in one place. Ruin and her brother went separate ways, being of different dispositions. Ruukan chose to travel around the world with his father while Ruin stayed with her mother, learning to survive in the wild and gaining knowledge of healing from her amongst many other things. However they still met often and Ruukan has always been very protective of his sister. But Ruin's life changed dramatically very suddenly. Whilst being children they had been surprisingly inconspicuous, The Tribe in the north did not make a point of telling all and sundry that one of their ladies had the bastard children of a dragon. But now, as adults, there was no keeping their existence a secret. For a while just their heritage made them too frightening to confront and they were left alone by the Queen's men. However gradually as they became more and more renowned the Queen of Hearts could no longer ignore them. They were officially declared outlaws and a substantial bounty placed upon their heads. Ruin and her mother lost contact with their family and had to secrete themselves away in the northernmost Mountains. They spent some months there in solitude, covertly ignored by their tribe. But finally they were discovered by Ironclaw Hunter's and dragged away. Ruin was taken to the Dungeons of the Ironclaws and spent long torturous months there, beaten, bloodied and broken in their cruel underworld. She truly learned to hate in those dungeons, where once she was a hearty and joyful person full of hope, now she was all pain and anger and hopelessness. Ruin would have rotted in those dungeons or died there if not for her tracking ability. The Queen reluctantly saw how useful she would be in rounding up the remaining magical creatures and cunningly imprisoned her mother, Leeta, in the most fortified and secreted cage imaginable. Ruin was warned that, if she were to disobey the Queen or her father were to do anything that might harmfully affect her kingdom, Leeta would be tortured and eventually brutally killed. Ruin was told that she could move about as she liked so long as no one told her otherwise, the Queen enjoying have such a rare and impressive trophy in her power and liking to show her off to her people, like she showed off her dragon heart. Ruin had lost all heart, all the fight beaten from her and she acquiesced, soulessly venturing into the secret havens of her magical brethren and capturing them to be dragged away into the dungeons. For a long while her body moved seemingly without her mind's presence and she fought and killed as though brain dead. However her mind was not one of placid weakness, she was a dragon, she rebelled against containment and confinement. So she began testing her chains, letting some of her bretheren go at the risk of punishment, sometimes bringing back some other head to prove her kill. And so she continues carrying out the awful tasks given to her with a grim determination to survive. [b]Skills and Abilities[/b] - Ruin can hear the words of the wind, from wherever it blows she can be told of what it passes and can decipher the lay of the land and any danger that they might encounter upon the way. Her dragon hearing is exceptional, powerful as well as exact. He can pick out a single voice in a crowd and identify a person by the sound of their heartbeat. However her human mind can often not cope with the intensity of this level of hearing and it can be a curse as loud noises often distract her and at worst cause her to become paralyzed for a few moments. Her eyes are like eagles, picking out a solitary figure on a distant horizon. She can also tell if someone is lying unless they are particularly skilled at it, noting tiny changes in their facial expressions and calculating telling ticks in their body language. Her reflexes are astounding, unparalleled, able to react to something before it even fully occurs in an almost premonition-like manner. She is also fast and strong with her strikes, using continuous, unrelenting circles and spirals of her two small swords to batter her enemies into submission, or lightning fast strikes to vital areas to give a clean kill. Other than her combative powers she is also an adept healer, being knowledgeable of almost every medicinal or poisonous plant or creature in an area unless she has never been there, and there are very few places she has never been. She can also often detect what is wrong with a person just by using her delicate hearing and detailed sight. What with her dragon blood, meditation sometimes allows her insight and inspiration into things, it might be a sudden burst of clarity or perhaps she might be given a brief hunch of the best trail ahead. She calls it 'the drums of the world' and they can either tell her vitally important things, or nonsensical tripe about the weather. However this is only useful when she is in a calm mood, a state she rarely enters nowadays. Her dragon legs give her great sprinting speed and good jumping ability. Although she cannot fly, beating her wings allows her to fall down any high drops without hurting herself and she can glide a bit. Lastly her dragon blood also grants her immunity to illusionary magics of the mind. She can see through all deceptions created by magic and cannot be hypnotized or incapacitated in any way using mental magic. Physical magic is also slightly less effective against her. [b]Weapons and Arsenal[/b] - She has a pair of thin blades. They are forged in her father's dragon fire so they are abnormally durable and can slice through magical barriers and other magical forces. Her entire body is littered with knives of differing shapes and sizes. Her pack is always full of ingredients for poultices and other remedies