“Greeting, my name is James Walker. As an elected official, I have come to formally release the information regarding the decision of the collective government official chosen by you the people. The following is so far the only record that has been found intact. The voices recorded on it are those of the partners Bruce Wayne and Anthony Stark, owners of Wayne Stark Industries. It appears as though the two recorded this briefing of information before mysteriously vanished along with countless others in the universe after the all-powerful DarkThanos came to power.” [center]----------Tony=Bold & Bruce=Italics----------[/center] [b]“It all started in 2023. Until this point the idea of varying universes had always been a concept we had theorized about. In fact, in some cases the multiverse, as we came to call it, had been confirmed. It was quite interesting. However, that was when we had to power to control who and what we communicated with. I don’t remember exactly when it began, but this year in particular these… Portals… They began to open up randomly all over the world. We had no idea what was going on.”[/b] [i]”These portals sent various members of our respective universes back and forth between each other. Thus, heroes and villains like The Flash, or The Joker could end up in Tony’s universe, while heroes and villains like Spider-Man, or Loki, could end up in my universe. It began to happen more and more often and because of it, many of the smartest people inhabiting each of our worlds had to come together in order to study and analyze these portals.”[/i] [b]”The strange thing was that neither world was suffering any true adverse effects other than meeting knew heroes and villains to battle. Some members from the opposing universes bonded with others forming friendships, and other relationships, both good and bad.”[/b] [i]”As these… Event… Continued, we, who were working on solving the problem with the portals finally found ways to plan for, track and finally control them. We developed various machines which could be used to travel between the worlds, and with this, new inter-dimensional relationships were formed. We could communicate, hold political meeting, negotiate help and trade, boost world economy, and do so much more than ever before. There were countless clashes, but this was fairly minor when compared to the big picture. After all, it was foreseeable that not everyone who gained access to this technology would have the most noble of intentions. However, things seemed to work out more or less.”[/i] [b]”The Earth had entered an era far more positive and riddled with opportunities than the years before for both citizens and those of the not so usual variety. That is… At least, until 2051. In those 28 years of building and working together we had somewhat lowered our guard. We couldn’t have hoped to foresee the outcome that would come out during one of our largest battles ever. The Avengers and the Justice League were bother locked in combat with two of our deadliest foes. Darkseid and Thanos. It wasn’t the first time and we knew it wouldn’t be the last. But as we began to gain an edge over the two… Well…”[/b] [i]”Darkseid and Thanos decided it was time to leave. They could could always come back another day to finish the job they’d begun. Especially after the amount of damage they’d caused.”[/i] [b]”But members on both sides decided it was time to end it. We had no idea these events were happened simultaneously. They opened their own portals to escape for the time being, but I didn’t want to let it happen and neither did a young hero by the name of Shazam, I believe it was. The repulsor energy combined with the supernatural energy of the portals and the magical properties of Shazam’s attack caused a rift.”[/b] [i]”Darkseid and Thanos fused as a result of this and with their combined strength and intelligence coupled with the powers of infinity the two grew stronger than ever before. Using their power, they slammed the two universes together deciding it would be better, and easier to watch over and control one universe as opposed to two separate ones.”[/i] [b]”This merger caused various affects. The world, not the universe seemed to grow in size. Everything we had previously known seemed to rendered more or less useless. Locations on the two maps seemed to shift, merge, relocate, or some other variation of change. People, living beings, some seemed to fuse together while others seemed completely fine. Those who had been previously separated by the fact that the universes were not one in the same were now together as that fact no longer existed.”[/b] [i]”Science seemed to be rewriting itself and when the collision finally came to a halt what was left was a reality unlike any other before. Now in 2054, we are planning an attack on DarkThanos. If all goes well we will be able to return things to what they were meant to be before it’s too late.”[/i] [center]----------Transmission End----------[/center] “After the end of this it is assumed they along with various other super powered individuals went off to face DarkThanos, to no avail. I’m broadcasting this message to give word of the government’s decision to cease any planning against the all-powerful ruler. He has made no moves of aggression in these two years. So, as of now, August 16, 2056, we will hereby go on with the lives and in the words of the apparent ruler “trivial matters of this world” while he does as he pleases and “takes his rightful place as our god.” He will not make any moves against us or those inhabiting our world, but has made it evident that anyone who wishes is free to attempt and remove him from his thrown in Ragnarok.” [center]----------August 16, 2058----------[/center] Since that fateful day the world has seemed to move on in a somewhat casual way. It is rumored the DarkThanos simply sleeps upon his throne bored with the lack of action taken by the people he has imprisoned. He merely laughs off their existence knowing he could very well wipe them away if he so chose. However, he occasionally takes some joy in looking over the mundane. Almost as if watching a puppet show he muses. Meanwhile, the world is more or less getting on track. Some care, some don’t, some fear, some live to the best of their ability. It is almost like the situation is like any other that could have ever been faced. It’s all too simple. ----------------- I hope that wasn’t too confusing for you. If it was feel free to ask questions. Now for some rules. [b][u]RULES[/u][/b] 1) Don't be overpowered, godmod, or anything of the sort. Please I cannot stress this enough. Please I do not like to be a bad guy (depending on the circumstances). 2) It is likely that there may be death. There will most certainly be destruction. Some gore may be allowed. Within reason, of course. >_> 3) Romance is allowed. However, please take sex and stuff to PM or fade to black or whatever. 4) Have fun and try to be as active as your schedule allows. Let someone know whether or not you'll need to go if you can. 5) Listen to me and any and all Co-GMs I may appoint 6) I honestly don't mind cursing or course language too much. However, please do not go overboard. 7) Being that this is a low – mid level casual roleplay I expect at least a paragraph per post. Please and thank you :3 8) I reserve the right to add and change rules as I see fit. ----------------- [center][b][u]Character Sheet[/u][/b] [i]Appearance[/i] I'd like more than JUST a picture if you provide one. Show them with, or without the costume. describe either, but I want you to add in basic things you cannot tell from a picture or that you may want to change about the picture. For example, height, weight, eye color, hair color, skin tone, etc. Get me? [b]Name:[/b] [b]Alias:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] {I'll accept anywhere from 13 to 35 as that is what the given time frame allows.} [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Equipment:[/b] {What does your character carry around? What do they use? Etc.} [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] {In this area of the CS you tell us what your character can do. However, everything here correlates to things that anybody could do if they practiced, studied, learned, etc.} [b]Powers:[/b] {If your character has superpowers, this is where you tell us what they are. Do not simply apply a link or something. What are the powers limitations as of now? Will they fade? Etc. Give detail because as I stated before I do not wish for us to have full access to our powers or full control. Leave room to grow.} [b]Weaknesses:[/b] {This kind of reiterates the limitations of your powers. However, in addition you may add any added fears, traumas, or other afflictions which may plague your character. In some cases, the weakness may be a permanent defect. In others it may simply be an obstacle to overcome which will help make you stronger. This may help with Character development throughout the RP.} [b]Personality:[/b] {I don’t require you to describe your characters personality. It may simply be shown throughout the RP} [b]History:[/b] {Unlike Personality, I would like you to provide something for this. However, I do not require a lot. However, I would like it if you provided me with a minimum of 1 paragraph.} [b]Other:[/b] {Did I forget something you may want to add? This is where ya do it.}[/center] ----------------- [b][u]My Characters[/u][/b] [hider=Killing Joke][center][img=http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac159/bryan_vega1/deadpoolio_zpsabfb63ea.jpg] Harrison stands at roughly 5’9” and weighs about 185lbs. He has fair skin along with natural dirty blonde hair usually kept fairly short and unkempt. Essentially a pretty boy, his face usually has a calm smile (which may be seen as slightly insane while on the job as he dishes out and receives pain) and seems slightly boyish with deep blue eyes. Regardless of this one would never recognize him while in costume. With clothes modeled primarily after his father he has made slight changes as seen in the picture above. For example, rather than simply use a mask like his father’s he uses white face paint and a domino mask to conceal his identity. The hood is usually kept up, however, even if it were to fall his hair is spray dyed red and blue on the left and right sides. [b]Name:[/b] Harrison Quinzel Wilson [b]Alias:[/b] Killing Joke [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male ----------------------- [b]Equipment:[/b] Harrison generally carries things you might find on an ordinary teenager. Money, cellphone, etc. However, such electronics like his cellphone are encrypted and made to conceal his identity and location. He didn’t do these things, but he knows a guy. Well He knew a guy… The guy is missing right now… While generally carrying the same items in costume as he would out, Harrison also carries various others. The six pouches on his belt generally hold various items which may be interchangeable depending on what he does. However, the usual assets include ammunition in two pouches on each side for his pistols (as seen in the picture) and shuriken on each side. On his back are a pair of [url=http://payload123.cargocollective.com/1/2/94549/4761448/DPROP_Weapon_SledgeHammer_Render_01_FINAL_900.jpg]Stylized Twin Combat Hammers[/url] inspired by his mother’s choice of weapon and mixed with his father’s. In the four pouches attached to the holster around his right leg he also holds a few more explosive. In order from left the right the pouches hold; freeze pellets, smoke bombs, and mini bombs in the final two pouches. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] Harrison is skilled in multiple forms of martial arts, though tends to fight in a more dirty manner believing that it doesn’t matter how he does it as long as he wins. In addition to this he is a highly skilled weapon prodigy, able to utilize nearly any weapon within the time span of 30 minutes at most for the most complicated weapons (a skill he now doubt picked up from his father). He is fairly intelligent as far as academic skills go, but is nowhere near the level of a genius. He is however, a fairly skilled actor, being able to take on the air of almost an entirely different person, notable in the nearly complete reversal of personality upon donning his civilian apparel. Other notable skills include cooking, cleaning, sewing, drawing, and a knack for driving, though this is rarely seen as he has a habit of crashing vehicles. Aside from English he is so far fluent in Spanish and Japanese. He, like both his mother and father, is fairly unpredictable making it hard for even the most skilled opponents (and even allies) to guess what he might do at a given moment as he rarely knows himself. [b]Powers:[/b] While his mother had no particular powers to pass on, Harrison gained quite a bit from his father. Powers held by him include; [b]Regenerative Healing Factor:[/b] Harrison possesses a superhuman healing factor derived from his father, which allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. He is able to heal from injuries such as slashes, puncture wounds, bullet wounds, broken bones, and severe burns within moments. His healing factor is weaker than his father’s, however, as it is so far quite possible to kill him by through means of beheading, liquidation, being completely crushed, etc. It is also known that he is so far unable to regrow new limbs. The old ones must be returned to their former place. He does still retain the ability to regrow his internal organs though. [b]Foreign Chemical Resistance:[/b] Harrison's body is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins. For example, it is extremely difficult, though not impossible, for him to become intoxicated. He can, however, be affected by certain drugs, such as tranquilizers, if he is exposed to a large enough dosage. [b]Disease Immunity:[/b] The unique regenerative qualities of Harrison's healing factor also extend to his immune system, rendering him immune to the effects of most if not all known diseases and infections. [b] Telepathic Immunity:[/b] The healing factor causes his brain cells to be in a constant state of flux and regeneration, rendering him nearly immune to weaker psychics. However, stronger ones may be able to get through, though it would not do a lot of good trying to read the mind of someone like him. [b] Possession Resistance:[/b] Similar to the telepathic immunity, Harrison is able to fight for control while other beings are trying to take control of him. [b] Superhuman Strength:[/b] Harrison has a level of superhuman strength, being able to lift about 1.5 tons. [b]Superhuman Stamina:[/b] Harrison's musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting him superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for several days before running out of energy. [b]Superhuman Agility: [/b] Harrison's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. [b]Superhuman Reflexes: [/b] His reflexes are similarly enhanced, superior to those of even the finest human athlete. [b]Enhanced Speed: [/b] While not at superhuman levels, Harrison’s speed is vastly superior to that of even the finest human athlete. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] There are quite a few things wrong with Harrison. Aside from his reckless nature and reliance on his healing factor which causes him to do things he really probably shouldn’t Harrison seems to have an air of insanity about him. This insanity seems to display itself in excessive acts of violence towards enemies (and occasionally allies if provoked), homicidal tendencies, and slight woes of both sadism and masochism. He often jokes about or laughs off being hurt or hurting others. It is unknown whether this partial insanity is a hereditary trait inherited from his parents or has come to be due to simple contact with them (scarce though it was). On top of all the problems that cause him to like getting himself into sticky situation, get hurt, or hurt others, he tends to have a very low opinion of his self-worth. ----------------------- [b]Personality:[/b] As stated in his weaknesses, Harrison is insane to a degree. Masochistic, sadistic, homicidal and holding rather low levels of self-worth he is still generally a fun time and a reckless little brawler packed in a 17 year old body. He is fairly likely to go on about himself being no good and then throw a party a minute later in order to have himself a good time. Who cares right? There’s generally no adult supervision in his life and he does what he wants. [b]History:[/b] In the year 2040, much had changed. Portal use had become fairly common and in some cases recreational. However, it also became business oriented, politically oriented, and a multitude of other uses were applied. On such use involved the hiring and payment of the mercenary Wade Wilson, better known as Deadpool, to kill Harley Quinn who by this time had made a name for herself and put some distance between her and her “Ex” the Joker. The Merc with a Mouth had no quarrels with killing the woman and travelled to the other world himself to handle the job. Of course, he hadn’t yet met her. Harleen Quinzel had not been doing much the day she came face to face with the future father of her child. In her words “It was a lazy day.” Still she reveled in the excitement of being attacked by the mysterious man as she wrapped a towel around herself and left her bathroom. Deadpool hadn’t plan the attack like this, but he didn’t complain about Harley’s attire. As they two began a battle which would utterly destroy parts of Harley’s apartment it came to a stop for just a moment as Deadpool became quite distracted when the woman’s towel dropped. Still Harley paid it little attention and urged him to continue. Deadpool wasn’t quite used to this. Especially when a few bullets had grazed her and she was bleeding a bit and bruised in certain areas. And yet she was laughing. “Kinky…” Was Deadpool’s only response to the situation before the two were at it again. Despite his skill she had certain ways of making him halt or getting an attack in or two. Of course, after a few hours the fighting began to die down. Harley wasn’t making much progress and Deadpool was honestly beginning like her a bit. At least enough for what would come next. Oddly enough the two ended up having quite a bit of fun in the remains of the apartment and Deadpool would take his leave the next day. He still had a job to complete though. He would return about a month later. The problem was when he did get back Harley had some pretty interesting news. The girl was pregnant. Deadpool facepalmed. A few days of meeting, talking, and a bunch of other antics the two ended up as an items. And 9 months later in July of 2041 Harrison was born. Harrison spent time with his parents for about the first three years of his life. But after that he only saw them sporadically. He was often left with someone to watch him, or something like that. But as he grew older it got to the point that he was watching himself. Around the time he was 9, he began to show signs of superhuman abilities. This prompted a bit more attention from the two he barely saw. A little training here, a little sparring there, and other lessons and acts over the course of 4 years. However, after that they both went off again. They had a habit of doing what they wanted. He received a few letters here and there from each. A post card or two also came. This was at least a sign that he hadn’t been forgotten. But at some point the letter stopped. He didn’t know if they were dead, alive, gone, or anything. No news, no signs, no nothing. He was officially on his own. The rest is history. He’s alive, in the present, reckless, etc. [b]Other:[/b] I don’t have anything to add here as of right now. [/center][/hider] [hider=Constantine][center][img=http://36.media.tumblr.com/ad37f62828f425ad85ebffe78bc68bc4/tumblr_netygyIUBI1qgvtt4o1_1280.png] Sporting somewhat dark blonde hair dyed from a natural black look, Nicolas is a rather handsome young man standing at about 6’2” with a muscular body weighing about 203lbs. Well-built and ever energetic he can often be seen wearing slacks, some form of button down and tie, and occasionally a blazer of suit jacket. However, regardless of attire he pretty much always wears his father’s trench coat. [b]Name:[/b] Nicolas Hellstrom Constantine [b]Alias:[/b] He has various aliases. None really a single “hero” or “villain” alias. [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Male ----------------------- [b]Equipment:[/b] Generally, Nicolas does not carry around too much. One constant is his wallet which contains a fair amount of personal information and money. He can sometimes be seen with a cellphone, but said cellphones are generally cheap and often replaced as he rarely keeps just one and doesn’t really need the more current models. He is also often seen carrying a pack of cigarettes and a [url=https://31.media.tumblr.com/74831c4ea1366e87044aa6674da1eff1/tumblr_inline_na9ksmCP7h1slhng4.jpg]stylized lighter[/url]. Finally, he often carries a [url=http://www.egifts2u.com/images/Cool-Wine-Flask_01.jpg]flask[/url]. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] Nicolas is skilled in various fields. However, many of them aren’t the fields one might expect. He has no ability for housework such as cooking, laundry, etc. However, he is quite skilled in deception, rhetoric, pickpocketing, persuasion, and a multitude of other similar fields of work. He is knowledgeable in various academic fields, though has not gained mastery in any thus he can be seen as a jack of all trades. He has skills in the realm of hand-to-hand combat. His fighting style is generally, little more than street brawling, though it does have outside influences of martial arts. [b]Powers:[/b] Nicolas is a talented and skilled magician capable in various fields such as divination, summoning, black magic cursing, exorcism, spirit ward creation, magic circles, golemancy, oclumancy, illusion, and necromancy. He is currently still learning various other magical skills, but so far is quite well versed. Aside from these skills which he picked up by himself due to his father’s decision not to aid him in this journey and his natural skill granted by both parents, Nicolas inherited a few abilities from his demon mother. The abilities in question include his superhuman strength. The demonic blood flowing through his veins allow him the strength to lift up to 5 tons. This is merely half the strength held by his mother. In addition to this, he is capable of levitation, and possible flight. Last, but most certainly not least is his power to generate, project and manipulate Hellfire. Utilized through his hands he is able to fight using, and possibly launch and control hellfire, an ethereal and supernatural flame that burns the soul of a person and can be used to burn their physical body. However, his skill and mastery are fairly low and he chooses not to use it often if he can avoid it as he fears losing control of it. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Despite his demonic blood, Nicolas does not possess a healing factor of any sort. It is possible to use magic to heal himself in dire cases, but even this takes considerable power and may possibly leave him with little to no energy depending on the severity of the injury. Because of this he is seen as little more than a human and is susceptible to most if not all human dangers. These dangers include illness, injury, and of course death among other things which are likely to be categorized in those. Aside from this there are certain magic he tends to try and avoid using in out of fear of losing control due to a lack of power or experience. Some such trauma include high levels summons, higher level magic circles, and, most notable, his hellfire. ----------------------- [b]Personality:[/b] Nicolas is a bit of a charmer. That coupled with his knack for persuasion and deception often allow him get what he wants, talk his way out of different situations, and in some favorable cases, talk his way into them. He is a confident fellow, with few fears, though he does have them. He has a knack for remaining calm and using his wits to handle things as he sees fit. [b]History:[/b] A little before the technology used to control the portals had come to fruition a man named John Constantine had found himself in an investigation. Apparently something or someone had been draining the life from men in a small town. However, when he’d arrived, the mysterious force had gone. It was quite unnerving. Something like this was very unlikely to have just left on its own. However, being who he was and having his knck for being in the right place at the right time, John ended up being sucked into a portal and ending up before the culprit. Her name was Satana Hellstrom. A succubus who’d been brought to his world, and a looker too. In his opinion, he had nothing else to do. She wasn’t in the town anymore. So his work was pretty much done. Of course, the woman had no intention of simply letting him go. She was still… Hungry. John objected at first, but after a little conversation and a few drinks with the fair lady he was sucked into her little game. Lucky for him he didn’t end up dead after a night with Satana. Which was partially due to his soul having been damned and her being unable to do much to him aside from a little meaningless sex. It was enough to hold her off at the least. After this, John spent time in the new world. It wasn’t THAT different so he didn’t have too much to worry about. However, there was one major problem. While he was usually fairly lucky in certain matters, the night with Satana led him to a few more meeting with her. They weren’t particularly bad, but he couldn’t really say it was ideal. Especially when she ended up pregnant. It wouldn’t be long before their son Nicolas was born. A little lump of flesh with black hair and blue eyes who probably should have had red or blonde hair, but the black wasn’t a major impossibility. He just ended up with the luck of the draw. Or not… Who cares? He was a bit different. At the time he wasn’t her first child, but as he grew he would prove to be one of the more disappointing. Nicolas quickly displayed knack for areas of magic and a few supernatural abilities thanks to his mother. But he also displayed a small knack for heroism. As in he had a tendency to help people without much in it for him. She didn’t really like this. John was fine with it, but in all honesty he’d rather have had Nicolas stay away from the realm of magic. He didn’t want his son being dragged into his world. Satana had other plans though. She could change him and make him into a weapon. John didn’t like this plan. He snatched up Nicolas, who at the time was about 3 or 4. Satana of course pursued, but with that John Constantine way of doing things and overall luck he managed his way out and ended up back in his world via another portal. He and Nicolas were safe. However, things grew a bit more complicated. Nicolas had already learned a bit about magic and wanted to learn more. John refused, telling the young child he should try to lead a normal life. That wasn’t what he wanted though. So Nicolas continued with a little self-study. Time seemed to fly by and by the time he was a teenager he was fairly adept in the art of magic. His father reluctantly accept him joining him on certain trips and the like, but he did so begrudgingly with the idea of keeping his son safer by remaining close. During one such trip, however, around the time Nicolas was 16 they ran into a bit of extra trouble. This trouble led to John’s soul being dragged to hell. His soul had been damned, but this sure hadn’t helped. Nicolas spent a few years after this staying far away from the realm of magic. It was a shame. He’d become fairly good. In some cases he didn’t even need spells. It wasn’t until he turned 19 and was in college that he gained a bit of his confidence back. However, it would quickly be dispatched. He’d begun doing some odd jobs for a little extra money. One such job ended up with him stopping a petty thief. To cut a long story short Nicolas had lost control of his hellfire. The man’s body and soul were burned to nothing. Nicolas tried to stop it before it spread, but even when it did end it was too late. The man’s screams of agony and cries for mercy had already died down. He was gone. And the rest, as they say, is history. It wasn’t for another few years that Nicolas began his “true” decent into magic. Not as socially inept as his father he finds it easier to make comrades, keep their trust, and not be so hated, but still opts to try and avoid using certain abilities and tries to keep certain people away from his world. He deals with the supernatural and the occult. But that isn’t to say he doesn’t go off tangent every once in a while. [b]Other:[/b] Nicolas has a British accent, picked up from his father. He likes it, people like it and he doesn’t complain much.[/center][/hider] ----------------- [center][b][u][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/73510/posts/ooc?page=1]Link to Accepted Characters Page[/url][/u][/b][/center]