Jade watched as the Demons nearly poured in, seeking their Angelic counterparts. They seemed to almost sort themselves and Jade was briefly surprised by the near order of their behavior. The atmosphere seemed grim, as though they had already lost, and some sent accusatory glares at the others, as though they were directly to blame for the whole thing. Jade slowly made her way through the tense crowd, moving towards the center of the Demons, which was already beginning to mix with Angels. After a minute Jade located her Demonic partner and began moving towards the location when the Demon lord began speaking. She stopped, turning her attention to the voice. She listening carefully, murmuring softly at the mention of The Lost Arts. She stood as the Archangel spoke, remembering much of what he said from his earlier speech. They all knew well enough what would happen if they failed, and hell was a better alternative. Some who still hadn't found their counterpart began searching again as he finished speaking and Jade wove through to find her own. Just after the two lords had finished some left. Some already had jobs to do that they could begin. Lookouts who would attempt to give them some warning of where the Enlightened were, for example. Others were likely to be waiting for a call to arms for when Enlightened were seen. When she found her counterpart Jade stopped nearby. She didn't want to work with a Demon, but really none of them did. Why put it off? It couldn't be avoided, or it could but the price was far too steep. "Well..we're supposed to work together," she said, not entirely sure what she was supposed to say. What do you say to someone a day ago you would have called an enemy when you suddenly had to call upon them as an ally?