[center]Mar & Althalus: Fallen and Rtron[/center] Mar's head jerked, briefly, to spot Grey's body shove through the door. In a few moments his bulk was gone, rushing inside with a shout about killing the child and made her stomach tense slightly. Her jawline tightened to shove the strange emotion away. It still confused her to why she felt pity, sorrow and more toward the boy yet her maternal instincts seemed to answer. She had been a mother for only a few months. Those emotions faded in a span of sixty years with Naga and she hadn't had chance to experience them before. That made it much harder not to feel the potent cocktail stirring in her soul. She held back her tail when she spotted the motion start in Leith, her eyes forced not to look at him while eyeing the rest of the shambling corpses. Her tail sweep wasn't wide enough to get them all. Several, the girl included, had already rose again from the pale human's attack. Forunately the young child was at the back of the pack. Sadly Mar couldn't be sure for how long. Or if she could face the child so soon, her torso still held the red line where she had been stuck in her distraction the first time. Already the moment the door's crash was heard, Leith started his way toward the door and shouted for her to follow. However it didn't stop the rising dead from pursuing them. In the time it would've taken them to retreat, they would be on the students, readily tearing them to pieces. Her mind tried to consider the best course of action until Althalus's voice called out. "Leith, make a run for it. Mar and I will hold them off as long as we can." It only had taken two steps and he was beside her, a part of her twitched to lash at him. As emotionally hurt Mar was, she wasn't stupid and crushes the impulse on the spot. Still she couldn't bring herself to look at him. Her scyth's grip was tighten, once more pulled back to swipe forward. An undead, a woman, with an axe in hand was sliced across the chest with enough force she was sent backwards into three others. Like linned up objects, they tumbled to the ground but instead of staying down, they continued to rise. Her eyes merely stared ahead, her tone venomously while she replied to Althalus's comment."Retreat with the albino, male. I don't need your help." "You don't need my help. Right.You just froze up when that little girl was charging you because you wanted to give them a fair chance! It all makes sense now! I'll just skip myself over to the safety of the house, since you obviously have it under control and aren't going to be overrun and killed without someone to watch your back!" Acidic sarcasm dripped from every word as he threw a knife at one of the leaders in the group charging them. A rather large man, missing about half his face alll the way down to bone, who looked like he could use the pitchfork in his hands to lethal effect. The blade hit his knee, causing him to start falling. Before he could hit the ground, however, Mar's tail lashed out and hit him in the chest, sending him flying backwards, knocking over those behind him. "See? We work so well together that leaving you alone would just be a waste of good delaying tactics." Althalus commented, ducking as Mar's scythe arced over his head to cut down another undead villager. As he straightened back up, another blade was in his hand, replacing the one thrown. "Shall we start edging backwards now?" Althalus suggested, smashing his foot down on the fingers of the top half of the villager that was cut in half. Couldn't have him cutting them from the ground, could they? He couldn't bite them either, given that his jaw was missing. Mar's hands jerked her scyth down as it slammed into the undead's head nearest her, flicking it away with a jerk of her weapon. She didn't comment to the human's jab at her lacking tactics. It was impossible to argue with straight forward facts and ones she had difficulty in trying to find an upper hand in. Namely that didn't waste her breath with explanation. "You only know my body language cause you've provoked me enough with your arrogance and ignorance. Though I question my wisdom in agreeing to your role in my daughter's life now." Her scyth swipped again sending another wave of stagnant blood to spill over onto the ground. A soft thunk by her tail had pinned an arm which had been drawing nearer just a few inches from reaching her. She immediately jerked backwards when Althalus lounged forward and slashed an undead's throat at her side. Mar merely huffed quietly in her anger and twitched, her tail shifting back with each lash until they were only a few feet from the door. "Keep wasting your knives by throwing them then you'll help no one." Mar spat when her tail threw up the pinned hand into her coils. Slowly on hand released its grip on the weapon to jerk his dagger from the rotten flesh, the tail tightened and began to crush the hand's bones slowly to hinder anymore movement. It was hard for something to move without any interior structure after all. Her hand tossed the dagger at Althalus's feet shortly after. "Yes, that's it! Not the fact that we've been living together for about several months now, no. Just the arrogance and ignorance part." Althalus responded, still practically choking on the sarcasm, as he blocked the undead's(whose throat he had just slashed) knife with another knife his own. A quick shove forward and twist with the knife in the villagers throat ensured that the rotting head came right off. Althalus shoved the now flailing body into the group in front of them, kicking the head after. He followed Mar backwards not even flinching as her scythe whipped by him, close enough to rustle his hair, to tear through another undead that had gotten too close. "As for the wisdom, what can I say? I'm handsome, loyal, I have a sense of humor, and I'm useful in a fight. Your wisdom had no chance." He winked at her. He shrugged when she spat at him for the knives, sheathing the recently drawn blade. "I know how many I have left. I'm not going to be leaving myself defenseless." He replied, ducking quickly to pick up his knife while Mar's tail whipped overhead to crash into the skull of another undead. "Thankfully they're rotting apart. Otherwise we'd have been killed by now." Althalus commented, jumping up the brief moment Mar needed to sweep the legs out of the pitchfork villager again. As he landed, Althalus grabbed the fallen pitchfork and stabbed it into the villager, pinning him there. "Okay, you go into the house first, and then I'll follow." Mar's head twisted around and noted one slight problem: The door was made for humans, not Naga. If she went in, there was no way she could whip around her tail and defend Althalus. In addition to that fact, she knew he was going to stand around and fight with her over who retreated first. There was only one option. Her body purposely twisted in a motion that could've resulted in two things. Either her lashing out with her tail again, or jerking Althalus through the door. He was closer as he had to keep out of her sweeping tail's path which made it rather easy. Her right hand jerked around his collar and with her other hand, she jerked up his trousers then tossed him through the door. She knew he would be back on his feet in moments, which didn't give her much time to get inside. As predicted, he was already trying to get back out while she was about to slither in. Instinctively Mar pulled up the but of the handle then whacked Althalus into the ribs sending him back enough for her to jerk her tail for one final whip then head in quickly, her torso slammed the door shut shortly after. "What the hell were you thinking?" She turned on him, her body rose completely to her nine foot height unaware Althalus had been knocked on his ass. Her eyes flared in complete fury at his stupidity.