[hider=Magnus Wagner/Bamf] [b]Name: [/b] Magnus Wagner [b]Code Name: [/b] Bamf [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Gender:[/b] Male, very male [b]Appearance:[/b] 5'6" with a very lean Bruce-Lee frame. On his chest is tattooed an Egyptian cartouche that reads "He will serve the end of the world for a year and a day" On his right hand he has L O K I on his first knuckles. His ears have a sloped point to them and his teeth are naturally sharp. He is missing the middle finger of his left hand froma younger time when he was cocky and teleported while flipping someone off. [img]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n60/demetriknighthawk/Magnus_zps052e8f81.png[/img] Taught never to rely on any one thing, he keeps a number of tools on hand at all times. [url=http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/c/true_swords_ninja_tanto_package_540.jpg]Tanto[/url] Located on his left pectoral with a kevlar mesh sheath as an extra measure of defense from heart-shots. [url=http://ninjaninja.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/f/m/fmt-011ba.jpg]Ninjato[/url] Kept on left hip. Grenades: Never keeping more than two on him at any time in uniform after hearing the story of his grandfather pulling the pins of a dozen soldiers at once. Chaff-nonmagnetic metal flakes meant to scramble electronic measures, Knocker-compressed microfine Metal powder used to blow open door with high kinetic output or stun multiple organic opponents. [url=http://youtu.be/vVngZM_MU4M]Throwing irons[/url] As designed, but his are hollow and fluted with multiple tiny holes to ensure a sucking wound to let an opponent bleed out if organic or hydraulic if he can land the right shot. Kept on his person on a thigh holster even out of uniform. Sling: Simple kevlar thong used to hurl a simple fiberglass sphere with enough force to break bone, When he slips a thread through the ring of a grenade, it becomes a twofold weapon to launch the five pound weapon to impact before exploding. This he also keeps on a pocket with a hard rubber ball in civilian attire. [url=http://www.blackarmor.com/index.php?category=casual-jackets-body-armor&p=47]Uniform[/url]: A class A-III fabric armor in the make of denim top and pants with impact plastics held by Velcro atop. Can withstand up to .357 at point blank with only broken bones. [b]Powers:[/b] Physical mutation: His physiology is unique in several different ways. His bone structure allows him great flexibility. His spine is more flexible than an ordinary human, enabling him to remain in a crouched position for a long time and perform contortionist-type feats without causing any damage to his spine. Bamf's balance and bodily coordination are all enhanced to superhuman levels. He also possesses superhuman dexterity, being able to manipulate items and fence with either hand and his tail. He lacks his fathers prehensile feet but does have five fingers and toes that let him pass for human easier. He has a prehensile tail, allowing him to grab onto objects with relative ease. His tail is strong enough to not only support his body weight, but also lift an adult man completely off the ground at the same time, and is deft enough to fight with while holding a sword or blunt object. His eyes (which are constantly washed in black) grant him a marked degree of heightened night vision. Wall crawling: Where his father could blend into the shadows by warping light, he can stick to shadows by an instinctive connection to the home dimension of his father and grandfather. This allows him to fight in a third dimension most others lack but also means he can not cling to an activated ceiling light for example beyond his physical strength. Superhuman Spatial relation: Lacking his father's teleportation skill, but still keeping an awareness of his surroundings, heightened by the chaos energy of his mother leaves him with a reaction time that sits on par with spiderman's senses. SKILLS Trained in the formal art of Ninjutsu by psylocke, he puts his mutant physiology to best use as an infiltrator. He has been taught how to consciously filter out the lightest levels of psychic invasion. Magic(k): Just as his father had an untapped arcane aptitude for things like the soul sword and his mothers access to ritualistic magic. He brings an entirely new skillset to most teams in charms and spells mostly meant to enhance an objects properties, often adding to someone else's tech for an extra oomph not unlike doctor dooms technomancy. While a time consuming skill now, that is to say he cant use any spells in combat, only if he has the time to prepare a single spell as an opening salvo. It is to note he keeps a store of occult books and the like. Some real, some just to piss his dad off. His superhuman dexterity makes the sleight of hand as easy as breathing but he does also practice a few practical incantations like sewing glyphs into all of his clothes so they will put themselves away. Polyglot: Studying arcane magic often means reading indecipherable tomes of long forgotten people, or it might meaning to know the hebrew scripture for the 44 seals of solomon or the Shemhamphorasch needed to activate a Golem. He is capable of speaking most Latin-based and Slavic languages, Hebrew, Aztec, Ancient Egyptian (language and hieroglyphs), Romani and Japanese. [b]Personality:[/b] For the most part he is happy go lucky jester of the group He has always had a fascination with sleight of hand and stage magic rather than his fathers circus life. On quiet nights he loves to curl up with horrible kung-fu movies and a plate of sushi to pass the time away whenever a girl isn't available. Even being the prodigal son of two great mutants and the grandson of even greater mutants he is still a physical mutant, he can never pass in normal society. As such he has a deep seeded hate for 'pretty' heroes and villains but mostly for fellow mutants who can pass by unseen and will bend over backwards, literally, for those who can't hide themselves. Where his father was a devout Catholic, Magnus has always carried a despise for the church's position on mutants to the point he is a vocal follower of Loki, a 'real god' of Asgard that has put many a hero of earth on their heels. [b]History:[/b] In another time and another place the mutants lost at Alcatraz. It became a campaign of slaughter on a planet wide level, In that reality, Kurt wagner and wanda maximoff had a child who was born in bloodshed and forced to fight from the time of a child, in time it became evident that they wouldn't survive so they went to the oldest and most powerful enemy they knew, Apocalypse. They agreed to become his newest horsemen if he got their son to safety, The first mutant agreed and sent the teenager to a reality whose other Aubin-sur matched his own temperament and psychic harmonics. The new Apocalypse understood what had been done with a simple letter tattooed int the boys chest, and handed the boy over to Xaviers school anonymously. This Xavier knew the boys past and did all he could to try and help heal a lifetime of war, but healing can't be done if it is unwanted. For years he studied at the academy and learned his lessons to master his powers so they didn't master him but there was too much ill will in his heart to be a member of the x-men. His time as a tool of apocalypse came to pass when the rift occurred, becoming the horseman War for a year as the universe settled down, he was released and Joined S.H.I.E.L.D. for the next six years as an act of atonement for his horrible acts as a horseman. Note: For six years now, Apocalypse has still has one more day with Magnus under his rule, and so part of him always fears what will happen with just one bad day. When he is the incarnation of war, His skin darkens to a deep purple while growing bands of thick crimson Lithoderms—coin-wide bone-and-skin growths as hard as stone and his eyes see through the entire arcane spectrum, capable of reading leylines, magic and seeing those invisible or hidden by magic. He gains the power to teleport nearly anywhere on the globe by riding leylines miles at a time, he bears a red sword similar to a lightsaber that cuts through any object by teleporting the molecules one micrometer to the side so that it seems to grind through anything to molecular 'ash'. [/hider]