Dane raise a questioning eyebrow at the fairy. "In case she makes ME mad? I'm not the ruler of some other country, my blue friend, I'm a Hylian ranger. No matter how mad I get at the royalty, and they've never given me reason in the past, I'm not royalty, I'm the guy who could end up on the executioner's block if I say the wrong thing. Still, I do understand your reasoning, even if it is nutty. Can I at least ask what element of magic she knows?" He hated not getting to know a little more about the princess before getting there. Dane wasn't much of a people person by nature of both birth and how he was raised, so if he could learn something about a person first, it made him more relaxed. [i]Shouldn't be that big of a surprise, she isn't royalty for nothing and we common folk don't get to know their secrets.[/i] As they near the palace gates, he waves at the guard. "Hail good fellow!"