Original Interest Check by TwilghtDragon: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/70925/posts/ooc]Medieval Pokemon RP ... with a twist![/url] Original OOC/IC Thread: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/71026/posts/ooc?page=1]Of Sea and Sky | Medieval Pokemon RP[/url] Time this post was accidentally lost while typing: 1 --- Notice Board [b][u]Edit regarding legendaries:[/b][/u] As said in the original thread, legendary pokemon are allowed- within reason. Noble houses are the most common people to have legendary pokemon, as some were specifically chosen by them to serve as guardians, envoys, servants, etc. Though not all are bound to nobles, some seek out individuals who devote themselves to causes or to the legends themselves, such as... Actually, let me get a quick list together of legendaries that haven't been taken. In short, [i]there better be a damn good reason why you have a legendary pokemon. As always, [b]approval is required[/b] for a legendary pokemon. [b]Morphs cannot have legendary pokemon forms, at all.[/b][/i] A caveat regarding player-owned legendaries- They aren't at full power. Either because they are willingly limiting their power (and have no way to regain it without undergoing a difficult quest/task) or are simply drained/young/old/tired. Some legendaries do actually reproduce through unknown means, mostly minor legends like the bird trio. [u]Regarding Character Sheets:[/u] I am accepting character sheets made using the template found in the original OOC/IC thread, though there are a few things to note. 1. Change "Country" to "Allegiance". Is the character loyal to either of the kingdoms, themselves, or some other group? 2. Ignore the "Anime pictures only" part of the appearance section. I'm not sure why it was a rule in the first place. 3. You don't [i]have[/i] to put a catch phrase in the "Other" section, though I find that it gives characters a bit of flavor. Doesn't even have to be a catch phrase, just a quote from the character that shows their personality. 4. Feel free to use the original names of Pheonixis/Luria for now, but be aware that names are going to change when I get the OOC/IC thread up. You probably won't have to do too much more than search and replace in np++. --- Hello everyone! As some people may know, a medieval Pokemon RP was started about two weeks ago by TwilightDragon. Unfortuantely TD went missing at some point without warning, leaving us without a GM. Because something like this only comes around once in a blue moon, I've decided to revive the RP. That said, [b]I am looking for a Co-GM to help run this.[/b] The RP will be fairly open-ended, and players will have plenty of wiggle room to integrate their ideas into the plot. Your character's decisions will be your own. [center][b][u]-Overview-[/center][/b][/u] Two kingdoms, once united under a single king a long time ago, are at the brink of war. One rallies under the banner of the great bird of sacred flames, the other under the beast of the seas. They both vie for control of the ancient king's authority over both kingdoms, but it was only until recently that war began seeming inevitable. For now, both kingdoms amass troops for the coming war as their subjects continue living their lives. Farmers harvest their crops, warriors train, and squires struggle to follow in their knight's footsteps. Life goes on. Then there is the elusive third party. Morphs are strange creatures, humans gifted (or perhaps cursed?) with the ability to shift into Pokemon forms at will. They are, at best, distrusted and ostracized from society and at worst they are actively hunted down and killed. Nobody truly knows how they came to be or how their abilities work, as all known history regarding Morphs is muddled by superstition and misinformation. The Morph's Pokemon form changes from their birth as they age mentally and physically. Morphs tend to hide their true nature from others in fear of prosecution. Pokemon are a staple part of everyday life. Rather than being caught through some mechanical or magical means, Pokemon are tamed and befriended by hand. Most warriors care for a single Pokemon that they entrust to fight by their side in battle. Pokemon are even used for more mundane purposes, such as helping tend to crops or for simple companionship. Some noble houses have even made pacts with mythical beings. So, anyone interested? Any questions or concerns?