Jumping out of the way quickly, letting Nathan's words fade from her mind in an instant, she looked down from the bar on the ceiling she'd planted herself on to survey what had just occurred. It was natural for her to jump out of the way, since she'd been caught off guard, which she mentally cursed herself for. Plus, it was better to be dry than wet. "Clarence..." She muttered, dropping from the ceiling and landing on her feet with a small, quiet splash, considering the thin layer of water on the floor. "Dude, what the hell." Robin opened her computer once again. "You attracted their attention." The three dots in the distance were moving closer. "We can pretend it was just a pipe bursting, if we get out of here. KF, you won't be able to run on this... You'll come with me." She wrapped her arm around his and turned to Supergirl. "Supergirl, I doubt they'd show up if it was intended to be a solo mission, no matter if all of us are here. If it's a test from Batman, they really wouldn't. If it was an emergency, they'd radio us. So until we know for sure we assume we're in it alone. Find a place to hide, and hurry up, before they see you." She made sure she had a tight grip on Nathan before she used her gear to lift them to the bars on the ceiling, pulling him up with little effort. She knelt on the bar, making sure her cape didn't dangle and they were hidden from sight. "Make sure to look at their faces, in case it's anyone we've dealt with before."