Karin watched as the Digimon kept attacking the monster, still unsure on whether she should fight or run. The choice became easier though when she noticed all the other kids were joining the battle. [i]"Still not sure if this the right thing, but if I don"t help out I'll never get the guts to fight." [/i] Now that her mind was made up she copied Eden and started throwing rocks. However rather than just aiming at the face in general she took her time and to maximize the damage she could do by going for the monster's eyes. Sechsmon hadn't noticed yet that his Tamer had joined the battle but he did see that two of the other Digimon had just Digivolved which greatly increased their chances of winning, though he knew it would still come down to their numbers. Using the opportunity created when the former Pagumon managed to stun Drimogemon he climbed on its unguarded back. Unaware of the rock throwing humans the small insect Digimon had an idea that was similar to his Tamer's, namely to go for the eyes. However due to bad luck and bad timing this meant that Karin accidentally hurt her own partner, just as Sechsmon was about to ram his horn six times into the eyeball.While the rock did hurt, the worst part was that this distracted the in Training Digimon causing him to lose his balance when Drimogemon moved again.While the fall itself wasn't so bad, the landing was, as Sechsmon fell on his back. Before he could get back up, Drimogemon caught him under one of his claws leaving him helpless. Karin who saw what happened to her small partner was worried.[i] "That huge mole creature migh squash him like a bug."[/i] Remembering that one of the Digimon said something about fighting to protect the humans, she was about to rush in to help her partner without thinking, when Hackmon sent his flames down into the hole both her partner and their attacker were trapped. Certain that Sechsmon had been roasted alive, she froze again with a horrified expression on her face. She didn't even notice the bright red glow coming from her pocket. Luckily for Sechsmon the fact that he was trapped underneath the Champion Digimon protected him from the flames, but the constant weight and pressure were dong some serious damage to him. In fact the damage was so bad that one of his legs had already dissolved. "Looks this is it for me.I just hope the other are okay." However he barely finished what he thought would be his last words, when he felt a sudden burst of energy and started to glow.