A list of available jobs that your character can do in order to get some income: *Tree chopper *Prostitute (Can't RP any detail) *Salaried Craftsman ("Craftsman" basically means anything and everything within the Island that involves manually creating something, whether they be swords, guns, and cellphones,) *Freelance Craftsman *Prize fighter (Getting pitted against NPC arena monsters) *Engineer (Well paid in any of the modern cities. HIGHLY PAID in the one high-tech city, but only if you can engineer robots and stuff.) *Teacher *Fitness Trainer *City Official (Must have specific skills in order to qualify. An example is Leadership Ability.) *Sentry *Salaried Mercenary *Freelance Mercenary *Businessman (Remember though, you gotta have money to make money. You need money to start a business of your own. Also, ANY business, even the ones that are technically illegal in the Island are allowed. Pimping, drug-dealing, black-market weapons selling, human-trafficking, all allowed.) *Farmer (Lowest-paying job, but everyone, even puny pipsqueaks can do it. But even if it's low pay, you get free healthy food and free housing! Kinda like in real life USA. lol.) *Bartender (Not only do you need to be good at mixing drinks, you also need to have a certain level of "social appeal". In other words, you should be... good-looking, charismatic, charming, witty, or something similar.) *Miner (Whether someone using a pickaxe or someone operating a robot, all miners get paid the same exact salary of 1,000 gold coins a month as required by Island Law. If your employer pays you less, you can sue him or her.) *Celebrity (Ask me more about this through PM if you're curious about it. lol.) *Artist (Unlike a craftsman/craftswoman, artists create beautiful things that actually don't have a practical purpose other than being pretty, whether that be sculpture, painting, or written songs.) *Medicine person (nurse, doctor, faith healer, etc...) *Executioner *Prison Guard *Slave Trader (I would make this fall into the Businessman category but, being a Slave Trader requires more than just business acumen. I'll discuss more on this later...)