Username:Bright_Ops Name: Count. (Not his real name, but he goes by it now.) Age: 23 Sex: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Species: Fallen Angel Appearance: Count stands at a height of 6.5 feet tall, making him noticeably taller then most people. He wears a pair of reading glasses that he picked up in order to help him read once upon and time and simply got into the habit of wearing them all the time. With short brown hair, deep blue eyes and a fairly decent fashion sense of what men's clothing he looks good in, Count makes the effort to appear well presented and decent at all times. On his person Count tends to keep at least two pairs of plastic handcuffs hidden away at all times. He has the ability to turn them into a pair of whips that can ensnare as well as punish; While metal or fuzzy handcuffs tend to provide a stronger, longer whip Count keeps the plastic ones on him because they don't set off metal detectors and thus he can avoid some awkward questions. Background: Once upon a time, Count used to be just like every other angel; A paragon of anarchy and personal freedom giving the middle finger to all forms of authority. He even went by a completely different name back then. However as time went by he started to notice that the areas that Angels 'liberated' from the iron grip of demonic control tended to start building up the dead bodies of those claimed by the extremes of freedom and anarchy, normally because they were part of the price of an Angel's good time. Morally finding himself unable to ignore the damage that his actions and the actions of his kind caused humanity, Count started to practice self control. By intentionally limiting his impulses and taking the time to think about his actions before doing them, Count was surprised to discover just how much personal freedom he gained by breaking away from the mindless pursuit of total freedom. Not only was there freedom to be had by practicing some control, but by mindlessly pursuing anarchy Angels imprisoned themselves to a single ideological path that made them short sighted to what else they could do. It wasn't long after this heretical revelation that Count found himself thrown out of Heaven and walking the Earth. Losing his old name and taking up the name Count after the human title, Count found himself just drifting through the mortal world and doing good wherever he could. Recently, his drifting has brought him to Daten City. OOC: Would I be better off listing Count here as a fallen angel?