Rules in Role-Playing: *Most Important Rule: Viktoricus is the boss and what he says goes. *No godmodding. *No metagaming. *No auto-hitting. Exceptions to the rule: You're attacking another player and it just makes absolutely no sense for that particular player to be able to avoid or block the attack. You're having an intimate scene with a character and you don't wanna type, "He attempted to caress her face". You're fighting an NPC that I control and we already agreed before the fight started that you will win. *Anything over PG-13, take it somewhere else. Just because you have an attractive slave doesn't mean you can go smutty in our thread. Having sex with someone here boosts morale, which in turn boosts fighting prowess by 20% temporarily, which means sex is allowed, but you must skip the details. *Be patient with other players. *OOC posts in the IC thread are allowed, but it must be minimal. *If you are unsatisfied with how I or other "referees" conduct a match between you and another character, take your concerns to me. If you are unsatisfied with my decision, we will go "democratic mode", asking what all the players think about the thing. *Treat the OOC thread as a sort of spam forum. As long as there is no racism, sexism, plotting to do illegal things in real life, overt sexual flirting, posting porn, or flamewars, no one will get banned. *Quality is above quantity when it comes to post length. *Be delicate with your slaves. And by "delicate", I mean don't make them act overpowered. No, it doesn't mean you can't abuse them or make their lives miserable. They are your slaves, they are your property, and this is a fictional Role-Play setting, which means that if you burn your slave alive, no real person will actually get hurt! *Maximum of two errors allowed per IC post, whether it be grammar error or spelling error. *[b]If your character is a biological creature, it needs food and water to remain alive.[/b] *Read and memorize the Game Mechanics (Read below). *Do not try to outwit everyone by being a magician who imbues a sword magical powers that makes you invincible when you wield it. Do not be a robot-engineer who can create an Optimus Prime with the ability to create an Optimus Prime ten times its size and power, which can also build another Optimus Prime ten times its size and power. Do not... you get the point. *All characters must be bipedal humanoids. Doesn't matter if he or she is made of flesh, a robot, or a spiritual entity, he or she must resemble a bipedal ape. *No mind-reading abilities. Mind-control, yes. Mind-reading, no. *Have fun.