[hider=Claire Terrane] [b]Username:[/b] Rune_Alchemist [b]Name:[/b] Claire Terrane [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Allegiance:[/b] Pheonixis [b]Weapon:[/b] Sword and shield. (Slashy slashy, bashy. As some might say) Her fighting style is quick, precise, and at times unrestrained. She uses a shield just as well as her sword in combat. [b]Pokemon:[/b] [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs50/f/2009/330/a/d/Groudon_v_2_by_Xous54.png]Groudon[/url] [i]Nickname:[/i] [i]Moveset[/i] Precipice Blades, Eruption, Earthquake, Stone Edge Groudon is a rather lax pokemon, when not following orders from his master, and would rather laze around rather than fight. However, his anger and rage is a force to be reckoned with, and what does it take to do that? Just his masters order, and he'll raze the entire landscape. He does think very highly of himself and his own power. Claiming you're stronger than he is, is just asking for trouble. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://safebooru.org//images/636/25d479610ddcc6718c12da406e34ca40dcd09ee0.jpg?641952] [b]Personality:[/b] Claire is a serious one. She doesn't like messing around, or people who are lazy and mess around themselves. As far as she cares, there is no rest for anyone until all your work is done, and as far as she's concerned there is [i]always[/i] work to be done. Always something someone could do other than just laze about. Train. Work. Study. Anything is better than doing nothing. She is calm when dealing with most people, even in battle she never loses her cool most of the time. That is, unless she's beaten. That's only ever happened once, and she vows never to lose again, so she trains daily to improve her skills. This calm exterior though, is just a front for her temper. While she does keep her cool under most circumstances, if she gets pissed or upset about something, then there's not much someone can do to calm her down. One of the things to set her off easily, is morphs. She absolutely hates the creatures, and will not hesitate to kill one for the slightest of reasons. [b]Biography:[/b] Claire is a member of a declining noble family in Pheonixis. Years of having their money thrown around by her incompetent older brother and by her parents own rather bad money managing skills, their house probably won't last a whole lot longer. However, their name still carries some weight, as an old and powerful house - one that has passed down the legend of the ancient pokemon Groudon from generation to generation. At first, Claire didn't really care about nobility and such that much. Mostly because her parents hardly ever taught her how important it was. So much so, that they practically had the families servant, a Gallade, raise her himself. Her easy lifestyle didn't last pat her 20th birthday, however. While out training with Gallade much to her own dismay, they stumbled upon a few morphs. The morphs weren't to happy to see a human, even if she had no intent of harming them. A fight broke out and Gallade was killed while protecting her from them. That day drastically changed her, and she became determined to change her ways. She went back home, and demanded that her grandfather tell her the legends about Groudon. He tried to reason with her, but it was no use. She learned that Groudon was sleeping in an ancient mountain cave, where their ancestors used to worship the beast as a god. No one for generations had been able to wake it. But she was determined to change that. As luck would have it, or maybe it was fate. Either way, Groudon responded to her call and woke. The long dormant pools of magma and volcanic activity suddenly flowing as the ancient pokemon shook off the hardened magma that had encased it. At first, her family was stunned - and in a somewhat rash move named her the head of their house, and turned over all the financial, business, and other decisions to her. Since then, she has worked somewhat successfully in rebuilding her family, but that is only her secondary motive. she has vowed to find the morphs that killed Gallade, and make them [i]suffer[/i] for what they did. Her first goal, however, is to restore Groudon to his former power. After years of sleep and dormancy, she believes his power only to be a fraction of what her families ancient legends say. That, is her first step to restoring her families glory and punishing the morphs. [b]Other:[/b] "I will not rest until my family has regained its former glory." [/hider] [hider=Levinia] [b]Username:[/b] Rune_Alchemist [b]Name:[/b] Levinia [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Country:[/b] Other [b]Weapon:[/b] [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs45/f/2009/078/a/1/Evaryr__s_Spear_by_Aikurisu.jpg]Spear[/url] [b]Feral Form:[/b] Pokemon: [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/093/d/4/d4f4f88e8f09efbb4c73572400542ee6-d3d68x8.jpg] [i][u]Move set[/u][/i] Thunder, Wild Charge, Spark, Ice Fang Appearance: [img=http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/024/b/7/armor_small_by_chaosringen-d73llq1.jpg] Her most striking feature is her golden eyes, something most people notice right away about her. Though it is off putting to some, most do not associate the trait with being a morph. The armor she wears, she stole from some human merchants after they made the mistake of passing through her territory once. [b]Personality:[/b] Overconfident and competitive, with a heavy dose of arrogance and love of fighting. Fiercely loyal to the morphs and anyone she considers a friend or 'her plaything', and incredibly vindictive against anyone who would harm the morphs. She hates losing in any way, shape, form, or fashion - making absolutely sure to do her best at anything she does. Whether it be training or some other mundane task. She wants nothing more to be the best, (like no one ever was!) And as far as she's concerned, she can only get better and stronger. And she will, no matter what it takes. To most humans, she is cold, aloof and considers most to be a pest after most dealings with them have ended badly. However, she doesn't view all as inherently evil, but she is wary of most of them, routinely intimidating any who stray to close to her territory into leaving if they aren't a soldier or a knight. If they don't leave...well, her charity only goes so far and she won't be giving them another chance. If they don't leave, then they won't be leaving. Any solider though, she will fight and possibly kill without mercy, though she'll probably toy with them a bit at first. She won't give chase though, should they decide to flee. When dealing with other morphs, she is noticeably friendlier and less guarded and violent though. [b]Biography:[/b] Levi grew up with six brothers and sisters, in a small village of morphs that was hidden away from the humans. Being the youngest child of the bunch, she was often considered the runt and was overshadowed by them. Though, her parents tried their best to make her feel as though she wasn't. So, to make up for this, she decided she was going to make sure she does her best, not matter what, even if it meant possibly hurting someone in the process. So from an early age she honed her hunting skills as a morph and in human form, making her first hand-made spear at the age of twelve, and her own set of makeshift armor at the age of thirteen. She didn't know it at the time, but these self-learned abilities would save her life one day. She was out hunting and stumbled upon a group of human knights. At the time, she had only heard stories about them and what they did to morphs, so curiosity got the best of her. Needless to say, that was a bad idea. The pokemon with them immediately recognized her as a morph. The human knights decided it would be funny if they kidnapped her after appearing friendly to her. Well, the plan succeeded because she naively believed they could be trusted. After they successfully subdued her, they started back to wherever they came from. Levi managed to escape though, stealing one of the knights spears and fighting her way out. She killed two and knocked the rest unconscious. Now, most people would have probably gone back home. Unfortunately, she had no idea where she was, so she sat off in the direction she thought the forest was in, and went from there. For the last few years, she has been travelling, trying to find her way back home while helping other morphs when necessary and sometimes harassing humans for the fun of it. Other: "Eh? You want to fight [i]me[/i]? oh you're a funny little human, aren't you? Don't cry when you lose." [/hider] Well here they are. My morph and the girl who uses Groudon~